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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2020 str. 69 <-- 69 --> PDF |
was 57.29%. The percentage in 14 towers was higher than the average. Only 8 towers in the study area achieved the visibility standard (>%70 visible area) designated by the forestry authority. Forest fires are observed from the fire lookout towers in a lookout network where neighbouring towers can view one another. The contribution of the neighbouring towers that were not included in the study area besides 28 towers but could observe the forests there with their lookout capacity was also taken into consideration. With the inclusion of the neighbouring 9 towers in the viewshed analysis, their positive contribution to the fire lookout process in the study area was assessed. In this way, the areas that were visible and invisible from 37 towers in the region were identified (Table 4), thus the performance of the lookout network was |