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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2020 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

The paper explores the morphological variability of the Scots pine populations in the northwestern part of Mala Kapela. The diversity and structure of the populations were established based on the ten measured morphological characteristics of the needles and cones, using descriptive and multivariate statistical methods. The conducted research established low variability of the morphological characteristics, and the differences between the trees both within and between populations were confirmed for the majority of the studied characteristics. Intrapopulation variability was greater than the interpopulation one, except for the characteristics of needle width, cone length and apophysis width. The research has also confirmed a population variation trend following the ecological principle, as well as a specific gradient, i.e. change in morphological variability related to the change in altitude. Populations from lower altitudes had smaller cones as compared to the populations from higher altitudes. In addition, the pioneering nature of the Scots pine, in which sometimes a very small number of specimens participates in the establishment of new populations, has resulted in low variability of populations and their great differentiation in such a small area.
Key words: conifers, Scots pine, morphometric analysis, intrapopulation variability, interpopulation variability, genetic drift