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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2021 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

subsidiaries of the company for wood processing, quarrying, tourism and consulting. They will be abolished in 2020 and integrated into the main structure of the company. The main objective of the company is to manage forest and woodland in state ownership, which represents 2,018,987 ha or 75% of the total forest area of the country. Besides the forest and woodland, the company also manages significant hunting and tourist resources. The company’s main source of income is the sale of forest timber assortments, work on biological resources and other income. According to the Forest Law, dated April 8, 2002, the company has not presented the forest and woodland property as property and capital. Only building land with an estimated value is included in the asset. The average annual harvest is 5.5 million m3.
The Public Company for Forests Management »National Forests« was established in North Macedonia on 1 July 1998 as the legal successor of 30 forest economic entities that had managed forests until then. In order to carry out its activities successfully and efficiently, the company is organized into a central office and thirty branch offices with a centralized budget and decision-making system. The company manages 859,427 ha of state forests and fells 1,200,000 m3 annually. For efficient and rational management, the forests have been divided into commercial forest units. The management of private and state forests, regardless of their purpose, is now carried out in accordance with the general management plans adopted by the Government of the Republic North Macedonia for a period of twenty years.
Comparative analysis of selected business indicators for different forest companies for year 2017, is presented in table 1, and for year 2018 in table 2.