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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2021 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

Until 1 July 2016, Slovenia’s state forest, had been managed by the Farmland and Forest Fund. In 1996, the State of Slovenia had granted concessions for twenty years to 14 former forestry companies that had already managed state forests before 1996, without a public tender. The management of Slovenian state forests was transferred from Farm land and Forest Fund to SiDG as of 1 July 2016. Within the framework of the management of state forests, SiDG is now responsible for timber harvesting, sale of timber, transport of timber assortments, maintenance of forest infrastructure (with the exception of forest roads), forest protection and silvicultural works, all other works necessary for fulfilling social and ecological functions, and other activities directly or indirectly related to the State Forests. In 2018 the annual felling amounted to 1,389,038 m3 in an area of 235,000 ha of forest. The main difference in today’s forest management compared to the previous system concern the procedures for selling timber (timber is now sold directly by SiDG to consumers and no longer indirectly through concessionaires) and the system of public tendering, which is the basis for selecting contractors for the implementation of timber harvesting and forestry measures in the state forests.
The public state company Serbian Forests (JP »Srbijašume«) manages state forests and forest areas on an area of 892,073 ha and carries out professional advisory services in private forests on an area of 1,223,627 ha. The company commenced its activities on October 1, 1991 in accordance with the Forestry Act, with the aim of managing forests, protected natural values and hunting grounds in an integrated manner and according to the principles of sustainable forestry and profitability, as well as increasing forest cover and improving the existing forest fund of the Republic of Serbia. The company fulfills both its public and business mission through 19 divisions (17 Forest Estates, Bureau of Planning and Design in Forestry and Protection Work Office). It consists of 67 Forest Administrations and 15 working units.