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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2021 str. 46 <-- 46 --> PDF |
Pyrrhalta viburni is native to Europe and Asia, and has been introduced to North America (Becker 1979) where it is becoming an increasingly significant pest of plants from the genus Viburnum (Weston et al. 2008). Adults and larvae feed almost exclusively on species of viburnum with the strong preferences for European cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus L.) (Wheeler and Hoebeke 1994). Adults of viburnum leaf beetle are approximately 4.5 to 6.5 mm in length, generally brown with the slightly dark anterior edge of elytra and dorsal surface covered with dense golden-grey hair. Larvae are greenish yellow with pattern of dark spots develops as they grow (Murray 2005; Weston and Hoebeke 2003a). Additional data regarding the biology and reproductive behavior can be found in Zorin (1931), Luhmann (1934), Weston et al. (2008) and Desurmont et al. (2009). In this paper we report the first record of viburnum leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta viburni Paykull, 1799 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. MATERIALS AND METHODS MATERIJALI I METODE In May and June 2020 larvae of P. viburni were found at four locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, near the city of the Sarajevo (Fig. 1). The second and third instar larvae of Pyrrhalta viburni were collected together with the host plant material of Viburnum spp. (Viburnum opulus L. from parks, localities 1 - 3 and semi – forest areas Viburnum lantana L. locality 4). Collected material has been brought to the entomological laboratory of the Faculty of Forestry, Sarajevo, Department for Forest Protection for further analysis. Several larvae were kept in the laboratory until adults fully developed. They were identified according to the morphological characteristics and keys from Becker (1979) and Wheeler and Hoebeke (1994). Images of infested leaves and insects were taken with Nikon D7500 camera and detailed images of adults, pupa and larvae were taken under AF-S Micro NIKKOR 60 mm 1:2.8 G ED. All samples are kept in Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA Our results show that this is the first record of viburnum leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta viburni in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its presence was confirmed in all four inspected localities (Tab. 1). Adults and larvae of P. viburni feed between the midrib and larger veins and skeletonize the leaves. Young larvae feed together on the underside of the young and tender leaves. Heavy infestations can cause defoliation, and plants continuously defoliated for two to three consecutive years may be killed (Young 2004). |