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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2021 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

Water level-discharge relationship in study watersheds – Odnos razine vode i oticanja u istraživanim slivovima
Discharge measurements were made 46 times at various water levels in the watersheds. In June 2014, a heavy rainfall event (108.2 mm 24h-1) had occurred and water level in the watersheds had risen above 100 cm. Consequently, the discharge measurement could not be performed due to strong water and sediment flow. The highest discharge measurements in the FW and AW were realized at water levels of 18.5 cm and 21 cm, respectively. Regression equations and graphs in Figure 4 show the relationship between mesured discharge and water level in the watersheds. The R2 value of the equation for both watersheds was above 0.95. This strong relationships shows the availability of these equations in the calculation of the watershed water yields (Zengin et al., 2017).
Precipitation-streamflow relationships in watersheds – Odnosi oborina-vodotokova u slivovima
With the increase in the amount of precipitation, the watershed water yield increased, but the response of the streamflow to similar precipitation amounts varied seasonally. The highest monthly rainfall in the study area was 194.1 mm (January 2015) and the lowest was 13.9 mm (July