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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2021 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF

When all the TSS concentrations were examined during the study, it was determined that a higher amount of TSS was transported from the AW than from the FW (Fig. 9). However, after the extreme rainfall event (28.6 mm h-1) in June 2014, the TSS concentrations measured in the FW and AW were 20.1 g L-1 and 10.2 g L-1, respectively. Therefore, 5350.2 ton of TSS were transported from the FW and 2969.3 ton from the AW with the streamflow occurring in this month. A similar situation was observed with the TSS measurements after rainfall events in May 2014 (20.4 mm h-1) and September 2015 (16.6 mm h-1). In May 2014, 64.4 ton of TSS were transported from the FW and 43.6 ton from the AW, while in September 2015, 122.2 ton of TSS were transported from the FW and 125.6 ton from the AW.
In 2015, more sediment was carried away in the winter, whereas in 2014, more was carried away in the summer. This is an indication that high amounts of sediment can come from the FW even in the vegetation period or when there are dry soil conditions. There was heavy snowfall in November and December 2014. In February 2015, the