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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2021 str. 7     <-- 7 -->        PDF

Odlazak čovjeka koji je život posvetio šumi i šumarstvu
The demise of a man who has devoted his life to forests and forestry
30. ožujka 2021. godine u 83. godini života napustio nas je akademik, prof. emeritus Fakulteta šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, doktor honoris causa Mendelovog poljoprivrednoga i šumarskog Sveučilišta u Brnu (Češka) i Tehničkoga sveučilišta u Zvolenu (Slovačka), član predsjedništva HAZU, jedan od osnivača i prvi predsjednik Akademije šumarskih znanosti u Zagrebu, član kluba dekana Zagrebačkog sveučilišta i dugogodišnji predsjednik Hrvatskog šumarskog društva Slavko Matić.
Ovdje nećemo iznositi njegovu znanstvenu ostavštinu o kojoj govori dovoljno njegova bibliografija, dostupna na WEB stranicama HŠD-a, kao i brojna priznanja koja je primio u bogatoj karijeri šumarskog pedagoga i znanstvenika.
Iako je uže područje znanstvenoga rada Slavka Matića, unutar znanstvenoga područja biotehničkih znanosti, uzgajanje šuma, on je svojim širokim poljem aktivnosti obilježio cijelo jedno razdoblje šumarske povijesti konca 20. i početka 21. stoljeća.
Ljubav prema šumama i šumarstvu usmjerila je njegov životni put te je često isticao da šumarstvo nije samo struka, već i način života.
Uporno je zagovarao i promicao jedinstvo šumarske politike, znanosti, obrazovanja i struke.
Njegove riječi izgovorene na 107. godišnjoj skupštini HŠD-a u Županji misao su vodilja i njegovo poimanje šumarske struke. „Ponosni smo na svoju dugu tradiciju obilježenu ponajprije brigom za šume i šumarstvo Hrvatske, u želji da svi oni koji aktivno rade u toj struci daju najviše u prilog poboljšanja kvalitete i vječnosti šuma. Isto tako, uvijek smo vjerovali, a i danas, da će nam se uloženi trud i ljubav prema šumi višestruko i trajno vratiti, ne u enormnim i za pristojan život nepotrebnim materijalnim dobrima, nego u zadovoljstvu i saznanju da pripadamo struci gdje je rad, ljubav i poštenje temeljna odrednica i zakon. Bez tih odrednica ne bi bilo moguće uzgojiti i danas održati šume, koje su po svojoj strukturi i vrijednosti najljepše i najvrjednije u Europi. Bez takvog uvjerenja ne bi bilo moguće šume uzgajati i održavati u stanju da daju materijalna i općekorisna dobra, dobra namijenjena svakom čovjeku ove zemlje“.
Bio je u pravom smislu zaštitnik šuma i šumarske struke. Sjetimo se njegovih reakcija kada je znao „zagrmiti“ ukoliko se nešto unutar struke nije odvijalo u skladu s njezinim pravilima bez obzira da li se to odnosilo na izdvajanja šuma i šumskog zemljišta za potrebe građevinske infrastrukture ili za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju, ili kod primjene građevinskih zahvata (Kanal Dunav-Sava, Projekt Zagreb na Savi, Hidrocentrale na Dravi, šuma Kalje) s negativnim posljedicama na šumski ekosustav. U svojim istupima često je bio protiv politike pasivne zaštite šuma provođene od strane Zavoda za zaštitu okoliša i prirode pri današnjem Ministarstvu gospodarstva i održivog razvoja, naglašavajući sječu kao sredstvo njege šuma.
Kada bi se poduzimali zahvati u šumama koji nisu bili u skladu s načelima Zagrebačke škole uzgajanja šuma, kojoj je bio jedan od utemeljitelja, šumari su znali da je tu profesor Matić, koji će reagirati i adekvatno odgovoriti.
Otvoreno je istupao protiv plaćanja vodne naknade za površine šuma i šumskog zemljišta koje istovremeno jedine omogućuju prirodni vodni režim i čistu vodu. Uvijek je naglašavao važnost općekorisnih funkcija šuma, dok je drvo smatrao kao nusproizvod gospodarenja šumama.
Prostore Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva smatrao je svojim drugim domom gdje je često raspravljao o šumama i šumarstvu.
Iskazivao je nezadovoljstvo aktualnom politikom prema šumarstvu, koja je posebice nakon brisanja imena šumarstva iz naziva resornog ministarstva, sustavno zanemarivala interese šumarske struke.
Žalostilo ga je ponašanje brojnih naših kolega, koji su pod uticanjem politike pretpostavili konformizam trenutnih rukovodećih funkcija osnovnim šumarskim postulatima koje su učili na Fakultetu,.
Odlaskom profesora Matića završilo je jedno razdoblje koje će nama suvremenicima ostati u sjećanju kao nezaboravno iskustvo, plemenitog, šumarskog načina života i zajedništva, a koje je rezultiralo njegovanim i očuvanim šumama.
Hoće li novi trendovi koji su sve izraženiji u današnjem šumarstvu, a prema kojima su šumarski stručnjaci sve manje povezani sa šumom, ali i međusobno, uspjeti odgovoriti na nove izazove, posebice u okolnostima sve izraženijih klimatskih promjena, tek je za vidjeti.

ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2021 str. 8     <-- 8 -->        PDF

Slavko Matić, Academy member, Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb, Doctor Honoris Causa of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno (Czech Republic) and the Technical University in Zvolen (Slovakia), member of the presidency of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, one of the founders and the first president of the Academy of Forestry Sciences in Zagreb, member of the Deans’ Club of the University of Zagreb and long-standing president of the Croatian Forestry Association, passed away on March 30th, 2021, at age 83.
We are not going to discuss his scientific achievements here. His bibliography, available from the web site of the Croatian Forestry Association, fully testifies to his immense scientific legacy, as do numerous awards and recognitions which he received during his rich career of forestry pedagogue and scientist.
Although Slavko Matić’s scientific work focused more specifically on silviculture within the scientific area of biotechnical sciences, his broad spectrum of activities left an indelible mark on the whole era of forestry history at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century.
His life path was determined by his love for forests and forestry. He would often say that forestry was not only a profession but also a way of life. He staunchly advocated and promoted the unity of forestry policy, science, education and profession.
His words, spoken at the 107th annual assembly of the Croatian Academy of Sciences in Županja illustrate his mission and his understanding of the forestry profession. „We are proud of our long tradition marked above all by the utmost care for forests and forestry of Croatia. We would like all those who are actively involved in this profession to do their best in order to improve the quality and eternity of forests. We have always believed and we still believe that all our efforts and love invested in the forest will be paid back manifoldly and permanently, but not in enormous and unnecessary material goods, but in the satisfaction and knowledge that we belong to a profession in which work, love and honesty are the basic principles and laws. Without these principles it would not be possible to raise and maintain forests today, whose structure and worth rank them among the most beautiful and valuable in Europe. These beliefs allow us to cultivate and preserve forests in the state in which they provide both market and non-market goods, goods dedicated to every person in this country”.
He was the protector of forests and the forestry profession in every sense of the word. We still remember vividly how our professor would “storm and thunder” if something was not done according to the rules of the forestry profession. It might have been a number of things, such as the conversion of forests and forestland for the needs of building infrastructure or for agricultural production, when construction interventions would be undertaken in the affected zone with negative impacts on the forest ecosystem (the Danube-Sava Canal, the Zagreb Project on the River Sava, hydropower stations on the River Drava, the Kalje forest). He also frequently spoke against the policy of passive forest protection promoted by the Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection, stressing felling as a means of tending forests.
When interventions were made in forests which went against the principles of the Zagreb School of Silviculture, of which he was one of the founders, foresters knew with certainty that it was Professor Matić who would react and respond adequately.
He openly opposed the payment of the water fee for forests and forestland, while at the same time they are the only ones that ensure a natural water regime and provide clear water. He always highlighted the importance of non-market forest functions and viewed timber as a side product of forest management.
He considered the Croatian Forestry Association as his second home. Here, we would often discuss in detail issues related to forests and forestry.
He expressed dissatisfaction with the current policy towards forestry, which systematically neglected the interests of the forestry profession, particularly after the word forestry was omitted from the name of the corresponding ministry. He was also saddened by the fact that a number of our colleagues who, under the influence of politics, put the conformism of current managerial functions above the forestry postulates we were taught at the faculty.
The demise of Professor Matić ends a period which we, his contemporaries, will always look upon as an unforgettable experience of living a noble foresters’ life in togetherness, the result of which are well-tended and preserved forests.
Will the new trends increasingly visible in present day forestry, in which foresters have less and less contact with forest and with their colleagues, be able to respond to all the challenges, particularly in conditions of growing climate changes, remains to be seen.
Editorial Board