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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2021 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

reported in 1908 that none of the woodland areas enjoyed protection because people refused to stop using them as pastures.29 This would explain why it was difficult for both French and Austrian administrations to keep forbidden groves under real protection and why they were often reported to be devastated.
Understanding forest history in Dalmatia is rather complex because of the frequent changes of governments and gaps in sources caused by numerous wars. However, existing evidence demonstrates that ever since the Venetian period, Dalmatian governments were facing continuous problem of managing the exploitation of woodlands as they were a crucial part of local livelihood. Research by Jedlowski (1975) showed that one of the crucial ways in controlling overexploitation in the Venetian period was the practice of setting aside a section of woodland for regeneration and prohibiting exploitation there. When the French took over Dalmatia, the same practice continued thanks to Vincenzo Dandolo. These protected parts of woodland were called sacro bosco or forbidden groves and because of different translations of the term they have been misidentified as a unique French invention. In reality, as confirmed by this research, they represent the centuries-old fundamental form of Dalmatian woodland management not much different from those that existed in the previous administrations and those that came afterwards. In fact, Austrian regulations concerning forbidden groves did not differ in any way from the French ones and therefore represent evidence of continuity of regulations from French into Austrian period. When in the second half of the 19th century the Italian language was replaced with the Croatian as the official, the term sacro bosco was dropped from use and was replaced with the Croatian word branjevina or protected area.
This shows need for more detailed research in forest history of Dalmatia.
Acknowledgments – Zahvale
This work is a result of a PhD research supported by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council through Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership.
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