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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2021 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

seeds that underwent sulfuric acid pretreatment shows that the effect of sulfuric acid was higher.
The treatment of floating in ash solution, which was effective in eliminating the germination barriers in C. orientalis seeds (Göktürk and Yilmaz, 2015), was applied with the idea that it could be effective in azarole seeds, but germination was not achieved. This result may be because of different seed characteristics. The seed size and seed coat thickness of azarole is higher than C. orientalis (Göktürk et al., 2017).
The interactions of pretreatment and storage temperatures on the GP of azarole seeds did not have any significant effects (p<0.05). The highest GP (45.8%) was obtained from the combination of 3 s SA + 4 g AS pretreatment in seeds with the highest germination percentage based on storage temperature (15 ºC). In the combination of 6 s SA + 2 g AS pretreatment, which yielded the highest germination percentage among the pretreatments, germination was 27.7%, 43.99%, 40.37 and 21.16%, respectively, depending on the increase in the storage temperatures (Table 3). High GP were obtained from scarification in sulfuric acid and scarification in sulfuric acid + floating in ash solution pretreatment combinations at all storage temperature degrees (Figure 2).
Scarification Rates – Stupanj skarifikacije
Sulfuric acid is a very strong acid, and its corrosive effect allows seed coats to become thinner. In this study, a statistically significant increase was detected in the scarification rates of the seed coats with the increase in the retention time in sulfuric acid (Table 5).
The rate of scarification increases in seed coats with increasing scarification times in sulfuric acid is an expected phenomenon. However, the scarification rate increasing with time is important to avoid damage of sulfuric acid to the seeds. When the application time increases in pretreatments with sulfuric acid, there is a possibility that acid will pass the seed coat and damage the embryo. Considering that the thickness was 0.90 mm in the measurements made in the thin parts of the seed coats, and this value can decrease to 0.10 mm, it is seen that the likelihood of sulfuric acid reaching the embryo at the end of the 6-hour scarification period is high.
As a result, in the production of azarole seedlings, it may be recommended that the seeds should be stored at 15ºC when they need to be stored, and that the seed coats should be scarified in 3h SA + 4d AS before sowing in August.
This study was supported by Artvin Coruh University Scientific Research Programs with the project numbered 2016-F10.02.10. We thank the Scientific Research Programs for their financial support.
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