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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2021 str. 59 <-- 59 --> PDF |
Compton, M. E., 1994: Statistical methods suitable for the analysis of plant tissue culture data, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 37: 217-242. Dirr, M. A., C. W. Jr. Heuser, 1987: The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation, From Seed to Tissue Culture, Varsity Press., 239 p., Athens, GA. Donmez, A. A., 2004: The Genus Crataegus L. (Rosaceae) with Special Reference to Hybridisation and Biodiversty in Turkey, Turkish Journal of Botany, 28: 29-37. Göktürk, A., S. Guner, F. Yildirim, 2017: Seed Properties of Hawthorn (Crateagus sp.) Species and Effects of Sulfuric Acid Pretreatments on Seed Coat Thickness, In: D. Kovacevic (ed), VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium, East Sarajevo Faculty of Agriculture, 733-738, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Göktürk, A., S. Yilmaz, 2015: Investigation of the Effects of Sowing Area, Sowing time and Some Pretreatments on Germination of Seeds of Crataegus orientalis Paal. Ex. M. Bieb, Journal of Forestry Faculty of Artvin Coruh University, 16 (2): 190-202. Gupta, A., D. Singh, 1990: Viability of fungicide treated seeds of mung bean and cowpea in storage, Seed Research, 18, 70-76. Hartmann, H. T., D. E. Kester, Jr. F. T. Davies, R. L. Geneve, 2002: Hartmann and Kesters’ plant propagation: principles and practices. 7th edition, 880 p., NJ: Prentice Hall. Hong, T. D., S. Linington, R. H. Ellis, 1996: Seed Storage Behaviour, A Compedium, Handbook for Genebanks, No. 4. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 104 p., Italy Hou, J. Q., G. M. Simpson, 1994: Effects of immersing dry seeds in alkaline solutions on seed dormancy and water uptake in wild oat (Avena fatua). Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 74: 19-24. ISTA (International Seed Testing Association), 1993: Rules for Testing Seeds, Rules, Seed Science and Technology, 259 p., Switzerland. Morgenson, G., 2000: Effects of cold stratification, warm-cold stratification, and acid scarification on seed germination of three Crataegus species. Tree Planters Notes, 49(3): 72-74. Prochazkova, Z., L. Bezdeckova, 2008: Effects of moisture content, storage temperature and type of storage bag on the germination and viability of stored European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seeds. Journal of Forest Science, 54 (7): 287–293. Schmidt, L., 2000: Guide to Handling of Tropical and Subtropical Forest Seed. Danida Forest Seed Centre, 511 p., Humlabaek, Denmark. Wang, J. H., C. C. Baskin, W. Chen, G. Z. Du, 2010: Variation in seed germination between populations of five sub-alpine woody species from eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau following dry storage at low temperatures. Ecological Research, 25: 195-203. Yahyaoglu, Z., Z,. Olmez, A. Gokturk, F. Temel, 2006: Effectives on Germination of Seeds of Crataegus spp. of Cold Stratification and Sulfuric Acid Pretreatments. Journal of ZKU Bartin Forestry Faculty, 8 (10): 72-77. Sažetak Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj temperature čuvanja na klijavost sjemena mušmulastog gloga (Crataegus azarolus var. pontica). Sjeme je prethodno obrađeno te je čuvano na suhom 10 mjeseci na četiri temperature čuvanja (-5, 5, 15 i 25 ºC). Predsjetvena priprema provedena je u različitim periodima plutanjem u vodi s otopljenim pepelom (2, 4 i 6 dana), skarifikacijom u sumpornoj kiselini (1, 3 i 6 sati) te kombinacijom skarifikacije u sumpornoj kiselini i plutanjem u otopini pepela. Također, određen je stupanj skarifikacije sjemene ljuske koje su korodirale u sumpornoj kiselini 1, 3 i 6 sati. Eksperiment je dizajniran u slučajnom blok rasporedu s četiri ponavljanja. Kao rezultat istraživanja postignut je veći postotak (20,95 %) klijanja (p<0,05) kod sjemena čuvanog na 15 ºC. Rezultati pokazuju da skarifikacija u sumpornoj kiselini ima veći učinak (p>0,05) na postotak klijanja sjemena mušmulastog gloga. Promjer sjemena koje je korodiralo u sumpornoj kiselini 1, 3 i 6 sati smanjio se redom za 6,15 %, 10,47 % i 11,51 %. Za sjetvu u kolovozu, kako bi se postigao veći postotak klijavosti, sjeme mušmulastog gloga trebalo bi čuvati na 15 ºC i tretirati sumpornom kiselinom u trajanju od 3 sata te 4 dana u otopini pepela. Ključne riječi: mušmulasti glog, temperatura čuvanja, granica klijavosti, skarifikacija, otopina pepela |