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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2021 str. 65 <-- 65 --> PDF |
Evaluation of the performance between post process kinematic and static technique in the forest environment Procjena uspješnosti postprocesne kinematičke i statičke tehnike u šumskom okruženju Atinç Pirti, Ramazan Gürsel Hoşbaş Summary A GNSS involves a constellation of satellites orbiting Earth, continuously transmitting signals that enable users to determine their three-dimensional (3D) position with global coverage. The positioning principle is based on solving an elemental geometric problem, involving the distances (ranges) of a user to a set of at least 4-5 GNSS satellites with known coordinates. These ranges and satellite coordinates are determined by the user’s receiver using signals and navigation data transmitted by the satellites; the resulting user coordinates can be computed to an accuracy of several metres. However, centimetre-level positioning can be achieved using more advanced techniques (kinematic). GPS/GLONASS technique is becoming compulsory for many applications concerning forest management and inventory. This paper aims to comparing the coordinates resulted from Post Process Kinematic with the resulted coordinates for the same points resulted from static technique. Nonetheless, it appears that forest measurements with ± 1 cm accuracy cannot be guaranteed on all occasions, since difficult situations may lead to greater errors (about ±10 cm accuracy for horizontal components and about ± (20-100) cm accuracy for vertical components). Key words: Post Process Kinematic, Static, Forest, Accuracy, Precision INTRODUCTION UVOD Utilization of the GNSS technology is current topic. This technology appears to be as the most advantageous at densifying of the geodetic points in open areas, forest rides and forest stands borders with following measurement under the forest stand canopy by classic terrestrial methods. Results of the GNSS measurements are dependent on the method of measurement, length of the observation, satellite system, number, type and position of the satellites. At forest mapping as the most advantageous appears the static method of the GNSS. In the forest stands conditions at the kinematics (Real-Time Kinematic) and also at the Stop and Go method of the GNSS is coming to higher fluctuations of the errors in position (tenths of centimetres), hence there is no possibility of utilization of these methods at point fields creation, at property boundaries surveying with the fourth class of the mapping accuracy, which is required as the minimum. Also next factors have an influence on the measurement, for example type of the forest stand, mean thickness, canopy, and crop density. Influence has also season and location of the measured points in terrain. Here takes a role terrain configuration, exposure, appearance of |