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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2021 str. 68 <-- 68 --> PDF |
can be collected in a day. The data processing and network adjustments were carried out using Topcon Magnet Tools Software. In the adjustment procedure, ITRF 2014 coordinates 2020.50 epoch of SALH point (CORS-TR point being used in Manisa) were held fixed (Table 1). The CORS-TR station SALH was about 28 km away from the project site, see Figure 1 (Pirti 2016), (El-Mowafy 2000), (Wolf 2008). Post-Process Kinematic (PPK) Method – Postprocesna kinematička (PPK) metoda Although kinematic data collection has the advantage of high productivity, it has some disadvantages. Accuracy is not as well as with static data collection. The impact of the bad signal quality on the positioning results is naturally worse for kinematic positioning than for static processing occurs. Kinematic surveying can provide immediate results using the real-time kinematic mode or in the office using the post-process kinematic mode (Kaartinen 2015), (Pirti 2016), (El-Mowafy 2000), (Wolf 2008), (URL1). Horizontal Accuracy – Horizontalna točnost In the analysis, the static GNSS survey results were compared with PPK survey results. The PPK (epoch-by-epoch) derived coordinates of the four points (P5, P6, P7 and P8, see Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7) were compared with their coordinates as precisely determined by using static surveys. The static survey was performed to control and evaluate the performance of the PPK surveys. Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 show the results of epoch-by-epoch kinematic processing (PPK) of about 5 hours session for the baselines SALH-P5, |