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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

is considerably limited in the free nature, and nutrition reinforcement does not exert its influence on an increase in natal masses or sexual maturity acceleration. Yet, most results of the research conducted in the Central European conditions speak the contrary. According to Schmidt and Hoi (2002), a variability between the cohorts is by 50% less manifested in red deer populations that are supplementarily fed than in the populations in which the red deer individual are not supplementarily fed, depending on a quantity and quality of nutrition reinforcement. As a result of nutrition reinforcement, a qualitative climate effect is reduced, since wildlife nutrition reinforcement generally contributes to the equalization of environmental conditions which are variable, and it conditions considerable differences in body masss or other way‐of‐life characteristics between the cohorts in the regions without supplementary feeding. In the long run, it implies that, in the conditions of a supplementary feeding, the oscillations in body mass and antler quality are not conditioned by environmental stresses to such an extent, but they are generally conditioned by genetic predispositions, what alleviates, i.e., reduces, a breeding hunt error. In the Central European approach to the wild artiodactyl management, namely, the unpromising head are eliminated from the population by breeding hunt (“Hege mit der Büchse”), whereas the promising head are spared up to the obtainment of asymptotic trophy values (Raesfeld and Reulecke, 1988). In that respect, it should be expected in our research that major differences are manifested without interactions, i.e., ever since the age of two up to the asymptotic values. A manifestation of interactions signifies the errors in the execution of selection hunt, i.e., that the promising individuals were shot in the younger age categories during the breeding hunt.
Summarizing the results of our research, one may say that the differences in the red‐deer management level on the examined Hunting ground were generally confirmed. The cohorts from the commencement of an intensive management (the second half of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s) have the lower variable values than the cohorts that came into the world during an intensive management (mid‐1990s) and circumferences of antlers can use as a quite valuable indicators.
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