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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF

(CA) we used to show the separation of the soil subunit. PCA analysis was used to show the power of each soil systematic unit (subunit). Correlation analysis was used to show connection between single dataset of stand characteristics and soil systematic unit (subunit) share. All statistical analyses were performed in program Statistica 12.
The site productivity of poplar plantation was discussed, in order to assess which soil subunits (soil systematic unit) condition were with the highest productivity for poplar plantations. Thereafter, the aim was to enable consistent forest section delineation, based on the interaction of productivity properties of soil type distribution and the Populus x euramericana I-214 productivity dataset.
In FMU Muzljanski rit humogley is the most common soil type, covering a total area of ​​910.99 ha (Figure 4). The three systematic soil units of the eugley soils (α, β, β / γ) occupy 380.89 ha, whereas other soil types are present on 86.17 ha.
Cultures of Populus x euramericana I-214 are grown on humogley soil and on the three systematic units of eugley soil on the total area of ​​741.17 ha. On humogley the cultures occupied 496,35 ha, while on other three units 239,61 ha. The most productive systemic unit (referred to the β/γ gley) occupies an area of ​​23,21 ha (Figure 5).
Forest stand delineation into sections pointed to the fact that, a single section, Populus x euramericana I-214 was cultivated on the same soil type (humogley) on the 120.39 ha. The spatial analysis also showed that other systematic units of the soil can only be found in a variety of combinations within a section. Area related to the cultivation of Populus x euramericana I-214 is 167.95 ha (figure 6 and table 1). Sections which consisted of two and more systematic soil units, where each of those units covered more than 1 ha (taken for rationalizing the use of space), extend on 133.96 ha (79.76%). The highest average share in the sections is related to the humogley (45.89%) and β/γ gley. The surface of these two soil systematic units within the sections, covering the surface over 1 ha, calculated in the areal units, is 70.63 or 63.34 ha respectively (a total of 133.97 ha).
In MU Muzljanski rit Populus x euamericana I-214 plantation was found in a section just on section on single soil type - humogley and section on multiple soil types. In the part near the riparian zones spatial soil distribution represent a mixture of humogley, semigley and eugley soil (Živanov and Ivanišević, 1986). Change in soil systematic units can lead to differences in the productivity (Fuhrer et al., 2009). In this case final quantity of value net yield of main stand is decisive according to the volume (Petraš et al., 2008a). Differences in productivity of Populus x euamericana I-214 plantation on humogley, compared to section on multiple soil types conducted further discussion. In another direction, research based only micro-relief basis can lead to conclusion for replace or substitute poplar plantations under changed site conditions towards a stand (Anić, 2018, Galić et al., 2020a) without spatial distribution of proposed tree species. In spatial analysis any systematic soil unit (site) has certain properties. The results of different productivity of plantations