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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 49 <-- 49 --> PDF |
section area. To the contrary, increase in 30% or more of β / γ gley share increases the productivity. Plantations of Populus x euramericana I-214 on the two or more soil systematic units in a section larger than 1 hectare are concentrated in the FMU (Figure 12). The spatial pattern in relatively small space enables spatial separation of the soils. The separation would enable optimization of the land use. On the FMU surface differentiation of eugley soils to α, β and β/γ gley would be carried out. A special category would be represented in humogley. Optimizing the land use would result in reasonable substitution of tree species or its cultivars, heading to an increase in production characteristics in the researched area. Potential stable and vital species are represented as pedunculated oak on researched area on humogley and shallower systematic units of eugley soils. Increasing in the production characteristics would improve more easily fulfillment of other forest functions/services as reducing the pressure of natural forests and climate change mitigation (Sheng 2008, Zalesny et al., 2012). CONCLUSIONS ZAKLJUČCI Site conditions in FMU “Muzljanski rit” are heterogeneous and it was necessary to investigate the productivity of Poplar x euramericana I-214 plantations. Increase of α and β gley and humogley in soil mixture indicate a decrease in productivity of Populus x euramericana I-214 plantation. Decrease of productivity in Populus x euramericana I-214 plantations are observed on α gley with 10%, and the β gley with 20% of share. Increasing participation of β/γ gley causes increase of plantation (share more than 30%) and it was a slightly positive correlation (r2 0.3745). Although this correlation is statistically weak, in terms of studying the properties of the soil is an important value - because productivity analysis was performed based on the average volume. Optimizing the land use would result in reasonable substitution of tree species or its cultivars, heading to an increase in production characteristics in the researched area. Increasing in the production characteristics would improve more easily fulfillment of other forest functions/services. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ZAHVALA This paper financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Project No. 451-03-9/2021-14/ 200197. Especially thanks for reviewers suggestions in revision process of this paper. REFERENCES LITERATURA Anić, I., S. Mikac, M. Ognjenović, 2018. Izbor vrsta drveća za supstituciju nasada topola uz rijeku Dravu kod Osijeka (In Croatian). Šumarski list, 1–2: 7–18 Bradley Pinno, D., R. T. Barb, N. 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