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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 66 <-- 66 --> PDF |
rooting percentages for C. lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’ were obtained as 100% in peat rooting medium at GM-2 (IBA 1000 ppm) and GM-3 (IBA 1000 and NAA 1000 ppm) and perlite rooting medium (control) at GM-3. On the other hand, the highest rooting percentages for C. japonica ‘Elegans’ were obtained as 100% in IBA 1000, IBA 5000 and NAA 1000 ppm treatments in perlite rooting medium at GM-1, while this value for x C. leylandii occurred in NAA 5000 ppm treatment (73.33%) in perlite rooting medium at GM-2. When the callus percentages were examined, the highest callus percentages for C. lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’ were obtained as 46.67% in perlite rooting medium at GM-2 (control) and GM-3 (NAA 5000 ppm). For C. japonica ‘Elegans’, the highest callus percentage occurring in the control cuttings in peat rooting medium at GM-1 with 46.67%, occurred as 73.33% in NAA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting medium at GM-3 for x C. leylandii. In terms of the longest root length and the highest number of roots, there is again difference depending on greenhouse, rooting medium and hormones. The longest root length for C. lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’ were obtained in IBA 5000 ppm (11.64 cm) in peat rooting medium at GM-1. Although the highest number of roots for this taxon was obtained as 17.03 roots in the control cuttings in perlite rooting medium at GM-3, 14.77 roots obtained in the IBA 1000 ppm treatment in the same greenhouse medium were found to be close to this value. For C. japonica ‘Elegans’, the longest root length and the highest number of roots were obtained as 13.54 cm and 6.00 roots in NAA 5000 ppm |