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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 68     <-- 68 -->        PDF

For C. lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’, there were three different groups in greenhouse medium in terms of RP, while GM-2 formed the first group with the highest value. On the other hand, five different groups occurred in hormones, and while IBA 1000 ppm treatment formed the first group, the control treatment formed the last group. For C. japonica ‘Elegans’, two different groups emerged in terms of RP, GM-1 alone formed the first group, GM-2 and GM-3 together formed the second group. In terms of hormones, IBA 5000 ppm treatment formed the first group. For x C. leylandii, all three greenhouse medium were in different groups in terms of RP, and GM-2 constituted the first group. Four different groups occurred in hormones. Accordingly, while NAA 1000 ppm treatment formed the first group, IBA 5000 ppm treatment formed the last group.