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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

As a result of the study investigating the effects of the greenhouse medium, rooting medium and hormones on the propagation by hardwood cuttings of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’, Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans’ and x Cupressocyparis leylandii, a well-known fact was once again determined. Accordingly, each taxon has different responses to the applied factors. The first root formations (after 35 days from planting) of C. lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’ occurred in IBA 1000, IBA 5000 ppm treatments in peat rooting medium at GM-2. For this taxon, the highest rooting percentages occurred as 100% in peat rooting medium at GM-2 (IBA 1000 ppm) and GM-3 (IBA 1000 and NAA 1000 ppm) and perlite rooting medium (control) at GM-3. In addition, the highest callus percentage with 46.67% was formed in perlite rooting medium in GM-2 (control) and GM-3 (NAA 5000 ppm). On the one hand, for C. lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’, the longest root length was obtained in IBA 5000 ppm (11.64 cm) in peat rooting medium at GM-1, on the other hand, the highest number of roots for this taxon was obtained as 17.03 roots in the control cuttings in perlite rooting medium at GM-3. In a research conducted by Stumpf et al. (1999) on cutting propagation of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana reported that the highest results were obtained in cuttings treated with the solution of IBA 10000 ppm in vermiculite medium in terms of rooting percentage (99%), the number of roots (14.9 roots) and root length (12.03 cm). In another study conducted on this species, the highest rooting percentage and the highest number of roots were achieved in vermiculite medium as 84% and 3.6 roots, respectively (Stumpf et al., 2001). In a study conducted by Iliev et al. in 2010 on the cutting propagation of ‘Columnaris’, ‘Potentii’, and ‘Golden Wonder’ cultivars of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, the highest rooting percentages were obtained in the cuttings taken from ‘Columnaris’ cultivar in March and treated with 0.5% and 0.8% IBA (95%), in the cuttings taken from ‘Potentii’ cultivar in November and treated with 0.8% IBA (95%), in the cuttings taken from ‘Golden Wonder’ cultivar in March and treated with 0.8% IBA (60%). When compared with this study, similar results were obtained in terms of rooting percentage and differences were observed in terms of root length and the number of roots. In addition, in case of propagation by hardwood cuttings, when the propagation conditions determined by this study are met, root formation has occurred at the end of about one month, which shows that it is possible to produce taxon quickly with this method.
For Cryptomeria japonica ‘Elegans’, it is determined that the first root formation occurred in IBA 5000 and NAA 5000 ppm treatments after 34 days from planting in perlite rooting medium at GM-2. While the highest rooting percentages for this taxon were obtained as 100% in IBA 1000, IBA 5000 and NAA 1000 ppm treatments at GM-1, the highest callus percentage occurred in the control cuttings in peat rooting medium at GM-1 with 46.67%. Additionally, the longest root length (13.54 cm) and the highest number of roots (6.00 roots) were obtained in NAA 5000 ppm treatments in peat rooting medium at GM-2 and in perlite rooting medium at GM-3, respectively. Jull et al. (1994) found that the highest rooting percentage occurred in hardwood and semi-hardwood cuttings with 87% and 78%, respectively. They also stated that while IBA had no effect on softwood cuttings, it influenced rooting percentage, the number of roots, total root length, root area, and root dry weight of semi-hardwood, hardwood, and pre-budbreak cuttings, except for root dry weight of semi-hardwood cuttings. The obtained in IBA 1000, IBA 5000 and NAA 1000 ppm treatments in perlite rooting medium at GM-1 in the present study, 100% rooting percentage shows the effectiveness of the auxin hormones used.
The first root formation obtained for x Cupressocyparis leylandii was determined at the end of 36 days in NAA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting medium at GM-2. The highest rooting percentage for this taxon was obtained as 73.33% in NAA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting medium at GM-2. For x C. leylandii, the longest root length determined in control cuttings (20.91 cm) in perlite rooting medium at GM-2 was followed by NAA 1000 ppm treatment (16.80 cm) in the same greenhouse and rooting medium. Moreover, the highest number of roots was obtained as 3.95 roots in NAA 5000 ppm treatment in peat rooting medium at GM-3. In the study on this taxon, Silva et al. (2005) obtained the highest rooting percentage as 63.9% in cuttings applied with double wounding and IBA 10000 ppm. They also found that cuttings (4.5 roots) treated with IBA 10000 ppm formed significantly more roots than untreated (2.6 roots). In another study investigating the effects of indole butyric acid and wounding on the vegetative propagation of Leyland cypress, the highest values in the measurement performed at the end of 4 months were obtained with wounding and IBA 13000 ppm with a rooting rate of 27%, 0.17 average roots and 14.3 mm average length of the main root per rooted cutting (Collado et al., 2010). In our study, compared to the studies conducted on this taxon, with low doses of hormone applications, much higher rooting percentage and higher quality individuals in terms of morphological characteristics were obtained. There are a lot of studies, including researches conducted by Vakouftsis et al. (2009) on Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’, Bayraktar et al. (2018a) on Taxus baccata, Ion (2011) on Spiraea salicifolia, Ciriello and Mori (2015) on Calophyllum brasiliense, Bayraktar et al. (2018b) on Elaeagnus umbellata, Swarts et al. (2018) on Lobostemon fruticosus, Erken and Özzambak (2020) on Chamaecytisus hirsutus and Yildirim et al. (2020) on Salix