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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2021 str. 82 <-- 82 --> PDF |
Zhang, W., Y. Zhu, J. Jiang, 2016: Effect of the Urbanization of Wetlands on Microclimate: A Case Study of Xixi Wetland Hangzhou, China. Sustainability 8, 885: 1-13. Walter, H., 1955: Die Klimadiagramme als Mittel zur Beurteilung der Klimaverhältnisse für ökologische, vegetationskundliche und landwirtschaftliche Zwecke, Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges., LVIII, 8. Willeke, G., J. R. M. Hosking, J. R. Wallis i N. B. Guttman, 1994: The National Drought Atlas. Institute for Water Resources report 94-NDS-4, U.S. Army Crops of Engineers. Summary Climate as an average weather condition is determined by average values, but also by fluctuations of climatic elements. Given that climate is the most important habitat factor, it is necessary to observe, describe and monitor its changes. Data on air temperature (°C), precipitation (mm) and relative humidity (%) values were collected for meteorological stations Grič, in the city centre, and Maksimir, in the suburban part of the city. Based on the observed and measured climatic elements, various climate indices were calculated that describe the climate of the city of Zagreb in more detail. An analysis of the trend of the Palmer dryness index (scPDSI) was made. Air temperature (°C), precipitation amount (mm) as well as the amount of potential evapotranspiration (mm) had significantly higher values in the city centre compared to the suburban part of the city. The suburban part of the city is more humid compared to the city centre. The trend of the Palmer dryness sharpness index for April, July and August indicates an increase in aridity in the Zagreb area. Key words: climate, Zagreb, urban ecosystem |