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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2021 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
was 184 g, and the fullness rate was 67%. Some important hydrological, physical and chemical properties of the soil used in seedbeds were shown in Table 1 and in Table 2. Germination trials – Pokusna ispitivanja klijavosti In this study, 3 different germination trials were tested. (1) First germination trial was the direct sowing after seed collection without any pretreatment (Control) which was constructed in November 2017 in the greenhouse and in the nursery. (2) Second germination trial (Stratification-1) was sowing seeds in spring after cold-moist stratification. Seeds were mixed with humidified sand with 40% moisture content in plastic bags and placed in a cooler at +4 °C for cold-moist stratification. Stratification should be continued until the first germinant appear in stratification medium (Piotto et al. 2001; Zasada and Strong 2008). After 90 days of cold-moist stratification, first germinant appeared in the stratification medium and ungerminated seeds were taken from the stratification medium and sown on seedbeds in the greenhouse and in the nursery in March 2018 (Stratification-1). (3) Third germination trial (Stratification-2) was sowing stored seeds in summer after cold moist stratification. Until the Stratification-2 trial started, some of the harvested seeds were placed in polyethylene bags with 10±2% moisture content and were stored in a cooler at +4 °C for five months. Stratification-2 was started in March 2018; stored seeds were mixed with humidified sand with 40% moisture content in plastic bags and placed in a cooler at +4 °C. Third sowing was done in June 2018 after 90 days of cold-moist stratification in the greenhouse and in the nursery. Both sowings were carried out by using the line sowing method. Since the seedbed area was narrower than the nursery, line sowing method was applied with 5x30 sampling in the nursery and 6x25 sampling in the greenhouse. During each germination trial process soil moisture, soil temperature, relative air humidity and air temperature values were measured and recorded on two days in the greenhouse and in the nursery to reveal the climate factors that affected germination. Grouped data was performed for soil temperature, air temperature, relative air humidity and soil moisture values and the intervals that the best germination percentages obtained were determined. Weed control was done regularly on the seedbeds and irrigation was carried out at regular intervals. Determination of germination percentage and mean germination time – Određivanje postotka klijavosti i prosječnog vremena klijavosti The germination percentage (GP) was calculated by the equation (1): (1) Where is the mumber of germinated seeds on day i, N is the total number of tested seeds. Mean germination time (MGT) was calculated by the equation (2): (2) Where ni is the number of the days, ti is the number of germinated seeds in a given number of days, T is the total number of germinated seeds. |