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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2021 str. 79 <-- 79 --> PDF |
altitudes and coniferous forests at higher altitudes. Broad-leaved forests occupy 80.56% of the area up to 1000 m, while coniferous forests in the area over 1000 m cover 61.62%. In mountainous areas, with an altitude of over 1500 m, forests are represented by 5.46%, of which 3.8% are coniferous and 1.66% are broad-leaved (Table 5). The Copernicus HRL Forest defines Tree Cover Density as the „vertical projection of tree crowns to a horizontal earth’s surface“ and provides information on the proportional crown coverage per pixel (Figure 3). Tree Cover Density is assessed on VHR sources by visual interpretation following a point grid approach and subsequently transferred to the HR data by a linear function. In particular, information on crown cover, which is provided with the continuous-scale (0-100%) TCD product for the whole of Europe, can be generally used by different countries, even if different national forest definition regarding the crown/canopy cover exist (e.g. Austria with 3%, Spain with 5%) (CLMS, 2018). Table 6 shows the level of tree cover density in a range from 0 to 100%. The tree cover density over 10% refers to 99.9% of the forest. The density of 51-100% refers to 92.6% of the forest. For the TCD 2018 database, consistent multi-temporal coverage refers to the period 01 March 2018 – 31 October 2018. Although unsustainable wood removal, including illegal harvesting, is sometimes regarded as a cause of deforestation, it is more often associated with forest |