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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2021 str. 80     <-- 80 -->        PDF

degradation because wood removal does not necessarily lead to changes in land use (FAO, 2016). It can refer to reducing of tree cover density, considering the fact that the data in Table 6 shows the decrease of 81-90% and of 91-100% in 2018.
Forest losses by LC/LU subclasses – Gubitci šuma po LC/LU podklasama
In 2019, the European Environment Agency (EEA) published an updated illustrated guide to the nomenclature of land cover types with a structural classification at three hierarchical levels and a differentiated level of detail (EEA, 2019). According to the CLC 2018 database, forests cover 46.34% of the territory of B&H, broad-leaved 32.62%, coniferous 5.28% and mixed 8.45%. In comparison with the CLC 2000, the increase in forest areas was about 2% (Drašković, 2020). However, the CLC Changes database for the period 2000-2018 reduced the forest area by 109.69 km2, i.e. they occupy 0.34% less territory compared to the initial year (Table 7). This difference arose because CLC and CLC Changes databases use different spatial units. CLC uses a Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) of 25 ha for areal phenomena and a minimum width of 100 m for linear phenomena, while changes (CHA) in land cover uses an MMU of 5 ha.
Similar to the CLC Changes database, DLT 2018 and FTY 2018 databases have slightly different data compared to CLC 2018. According to the CLC 2018, forest covers 11.07% less of the territory in comparison with the FTY 2018. There are two main reasons for that: the lower resolution of the CLC database and the different classification nomenclature of forest types. The FTY 2018 database mainly includes transitional woodland / shrub, while this subclass (3.2.4) in the CLC 2018 database is separated from forests (3.1.x).4 If we added the transitional woodland / shrub (or at least part of the area) to the forests, the data for both bases would roughly match.
From Figure 4, the structure of losses of all three forest types (broadleaved, coniferous and mixed) can be seen. Broad-leaved forest (3.1.1) is most susceptible to losses is , especially in the transitional woodland / shrub (3.2.4) in the first period. The total losses of broad-leaved forest to transitional woodland / shrub in the period 2000-2018 were 202.73 km2. However, it is a two-way process. In the same period,