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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2022 str. 55     <-- 55 -->        PDF

pine species, 50 seeds were placed in each dish for each clopyralid rate. Treatments were replicated four times for the test. Thus, the experiment included 128 dishes (eight solutions × four pine species × four replications). The dishes containing the seeds were placed in a growth chamber (MMM Aqualytic AL655, Germany) at 20 ±0.5 °C for 28 days between 07/09/2018 and 05/10/2018. During the germination test, the dishes were monitored every other day. Seeds having a 5 mm-long radicle during the test period were evaluated as germinated (ISTA, 1985). The dishes were conditioned with 1-2 mL of deionized water as needed (Blair et al. 2006; Dağlar et al. 2016; Bakan et al. 2018; Türedi et al. 2018; Bakan 2019).
The mean percentages of cumulative seed germination (CSG) on Days 7, 14, and 28 were discretely analyzed for each conifer species via a completely randomized design (CRD). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed for the statistical test. To separate treatment means, Tukey’s MST was employed (p ≤0.05). Results were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) (SAS 1996). The data were transformed following a violation of the assumption of normality.
Black pine – Crni bor
Germination started on Day 4, and more than half of the control seeds had germinated by the second week, showing rapid germination (Table 1, Fig. 1). As in the preliminary test of Bakan et al. (2018), the control (0%) and 1%-rate demonstrated high CSG when compared to the rest of the treatments and did not significantly differ from each other at the end of the test (Table 1). Moreover, no significant phytotoxic effect was observed in the seeds that were pretreated with 1.5% clopyralid. The herbicide sensitivity of black pine seeds began with the herbicide rates of 2.0% and higher. At the end of the test, the CSG had progressively and significantly decreased by 14, 21, 39, and 54% for the seeds that were presoaked with the 2, 3, 4, and 5% solutions, respectively (Table 1).
Maritime pine – Primorski bor
At the end of the first week, no seed germination had occurred for the maritime pine regardless of treatments (Table 1). Maritime pine displayed the lowest seed germination performance among all of the pine species used in the present study. The majority of seeds had germinated by the end of the second week. Clopyralid affected maritime pine seed germination in a similar manner as with black and Scots pine seeds. Significant herbicide phytotoxicity began with clopyralid rates of ≥2% and progressively intensified with