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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2022 str. 58     <-- 58 -->        PDF

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Eºen D., O. Yıldız, M. Sargıncı, N. Güneº, 2005: Ormancılıkta zararlı ot ilaçlarının kullanımı ve riskleri (Use and risk of herbicides in forests), A.İ.B.Ü. Ormancılık Dergisi, 1(2) 51.–58. (in Turkish with an English abstract)
Eºen D., O. Yildiz, ª. Kulaç, M. Sarginci, 2006: Controlling Rhododendron spp. in Turkish Black Sea Region, Forestry 79(2) 177.–184.
Galatowitsch, S. M., 2012: Ecological restoration, Sinauer Associates, pp. 630, Sunderland.
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Grossnickle, S. C., V. Ivetiæ, 2017: Direct seeding in reforestation – a field performance review, Reforesta 4 94.–142.
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ISTA (International Seed Testing Association), 1985: International rules for seed testing, Seed Science and Technology, 13 307.–513.
Jinks, R. L., I. Willoughby, C. Baker, 2006: Direct seeding of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.): The effects of sowing date, pre-emergent herbicides, cultivation, and protection on seedling emergence and survival, Forest Ecology and Management, 237 373.–386.
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Monaco, T. J., S. C. Weller, F. M. Ashton, 2002: Weed Science: Principles and Practices, 4th Ed., J. Wiley, pp. 688, New York.
OGM (Orman Genel Müdürlüğü / the General Directorate of Forestry), 2019: Ormancılık İstatistikleri (Forestry Statistics), Türkiye Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı / the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey, Ankara, [Accessed on 10.09.2021].
Radosevich, S. R., J. Holt, C. M. Ghersa, 2007: Ecology of weeds and invasive plants, Relationship to agriculture and natural resource management, 3rd Ed, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. 454, New York.
Rolando, C. A., M. S. Watt, C. Todoroki, D. Henley, A. Leckie, 2017: Herbicide options
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South, D. B. 2000: Tolerance of Southern Pine Seedlings to Clopyralid, Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 24(1) 51.–56.
Stanley, W., S. M. Zedaker, J. R. Seiler, P. Burch, 2014: Methods for rapid screening in woody plant herbicide development, Forests 5 1584.–1595.
Swanton, C. J., 2003: Weed ecology in natural and agricultural systems, CABI Publishing, pp. 303, Cambridge.
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Watt, M. S., C. A. Rolando, 2014: Alternatives to hexazinone and terbuthylazine for chemical control of Cytisus scoparius in Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand. Weed Research, 54(3) 265–273.
Willoughby, I., R. L. Jinks, V. Stokes, 2006: The tolerance of newly emerged broadleaved tree seedlings to the herbicides clopyralid, cycloxydim, and metazachlor, Forestry 79(5) 599.–608.
Yildiz, O., E. Altundağ, B. Çetin, T. Güner, M. Sarginci, B. Toprak B., 2018: Experimental arid land afforestation in Central Anatolia, Turkey, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(6) 355.
Zedaker, S. M., J. R. Seiler, 1988: Rapid primary screening for forestry herbicides. In: J.H. Miller (ed), Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference, pp 34–352, Memphis.
Crni bor (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold), primorski bor (Pinus pinaster Aiton), obièni bor (Pinus sylvestris L.), i brucijski bor (TRP, Pinus brutia Ten.) su ekološki i ekonomski važne èetinjaèe u mediteranskom podruèju, a posebno za tursko šumarstvo. Obièno se koriste za regeneraciju i sanaciju degradiranih eko sustava u Turskoj. Korovske biljke su u kompeticiji sa sadnicama drveæa jer im oduzimaju vlagu, hranjive tvari i sunèevu svjetlost, što može znaèajno smanjiti rast i razvoj sadnica. Herbicidi se u praksi