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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2022 str. 35 <-- 35 --> PDF |
drought stress have significantly higher values in terms of chlorophyll content, maximum quantum yield of PS II (Fv/Fm values) and variable fluorescence (Fv)/initial fluorescence (F0) parameters than sensitive ones (Rong-hua et al., 2006). C. avellana has been reported as a water stress-sensitive species and a decrease in photosynthetic activity, an early cessation of fruit growth and leaf fall, and an increased vulnerability to diseases have all been recorded in this species because of drought stress (Cristofori et al., 2012). We therefore first aimed to reveal the phenolic constituents of C. colurna leaves in six different populations and then to investigate the effect of water deficiency stress on the phenolic constituents and quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem II activity in six populations for the first time. MATERIAL AND METHOD MATERIJALI I METODE Plant material – Biljni materijal Scions were taken from naturally grown 6 different Turkish Hazelnut (TH) (Corylus colurna L.) populations in Turkey (Fig. 1) and 2 years old C. colurna seedlings were used as a rootstock (seeds from Pelitcik population) in 15x25cm polyetylene tube. Information about populations from which scions were taken was presented in Table 1. TH saplings were grafted with whip and tongue grafting method. Scions were provided from three different trees grown in their habitat for each population and six grafted saplings were obtained from each tree. All grafted saplings were |