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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2022 str. 37 <-- 37 --> PDF |
Data analysis – Analiza podataka All experiments were set up in a completely randomized design. Data analysis was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s multiple range tests using SPSS version 26 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). All data in the tables were presented as a mean number ± standard error (SE). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION REZULTATI I RASPRAVA Obtained grafted young trees of TH carrying the genetic characteristics of their populations allowed us to apply the experiment under the same environmental conditions in our study. In this way, the phenolic content of each population and its response to water stress were evaluated under the same settings. Among the tested phenols, the amounts of rutin, kaempferol and luteolin were found to be the highest in TH leaves, respectively. Concerning overall phenolic content in stress free groups (W1) of six populations, PL and OG had the highest phenolic content in June and July, respectively (Table 2 and 3). Kaempferol, rutin, apigenin, quercetin and myricetin were found the most in PL population in stress free group (W1-June). The highest amounts of phenol (mg/g dry matter) were determined in the PL population with rutin and kaempferol as 2.77 mg/g and 2.75 mg/g, respectively. The lowest phenol amounts were generally found in GF population. Change in phenol amounts in all populations was monitored as 0.02-0.31 mg/g in apigenin, 0.02-0.36 mg/g in caffeic acid, 0.00-0.07 mg/g in gallic acid, 0.95-2.75 mg/g in kaempferol, 0.00-0.97 mg/g in luteolin, 0.00-0.10 mg/g in myricetin, 0.09-0.27 mg/g in quercetin, 0.00-0.13 mg/g in rosmarinic acid and 0.85-2.77 mg/g in rutin. Coumarin was not detected in all tested TH leaves (Table 2 and 3). Similar to our result, chromatographic analysis of isolated mixture of flavonoids from |