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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2022 str. 77 <-- 77 --> PDF |
Concept of ecotourism development in UNESCO biosphere reserves: Case studies from Croatia and Serbia Koncepcija razvoja ekoturizma u UNESCO rezervatima biosfere: Studije slučaja iz Hrvatske i Srbije Vladimir Stojanović, Damir Demonja, Maja Mijatov, Jelena Dunjić, Sanja Tišma Abstract Ecotourism is a sustainable form of tourism in protected areas that provides support for nature protection and sustainable development of local communities. Biosphere reserves are special areas with a relatively original nature and active socio-economic development, as well as with cultural characteristics that must be in harmony with the ecological environment. Understanding the interaction of environmental, economic and social factors in a biosphere reserve is the basis for setting the concept of sustainable development of ecotourism. In respect to that, this paper includes an analysis of the concepts of ecotourism within the protected areas Kopački rit (Croatia) and Gornje Podunavlje (Serbia), in the biosphere reserves Mura – Drava – Dunav (Croatia) and Bačko Podunavlje (Serbia), with the main aim of making a comparative analysis of their organization. The main findings are providing the knowledge basis in terms of nature protection according to the national legislation and international nature protection statuses, nature degradation and challenges of protected area management, organization of tourism, cooperation between nature protection and tourism development, projects supporting the nature protection and ecotourism development and involvement of the local population. Key words: ecotourism, biosphere reserves, UNESCO, sustainable development, nature protection INTRODUCTION UVOD Ecotourism has become a growing industry (Diamantis, 1999; Carvache-Franco et al, 2020). One of definitions of ecotourism explains that ‘we may define ecological tourism or ecotourism as that tourism that involves travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific object of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals’ (Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996). The World Tourism Organization highlights five important features of ecotourism: (1) ecotourism is nature-based form of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourists is the observation and appreciation of nature |