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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2022 str. 79     <-- 79 -->        PDF

Kopački Rit was legally protected as early as in1967 as a managed nature reserve (Official Gazette No. 45/67), while in 1999 it was declared a nature park (Official Gazette No. 45/99). Kopački Rit is also an internationally important area. As early as in 1986, it was included in the List of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) of Europe, and since 1993 it has been fully included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance of the Convention on the Protection of Wetlands (RAMSAR).
The Public Institution “Kopački Rit Nature Park” (PIKRNP) was established in 1999. Its aim was protection, maintenance and promotion of the protected area. The scope of work of PIKRNP consists of several major management aspects included in the ten-year Management Plan according to the Guidelines for planning the management of protected areas and / or ecological network areas, Version 1.1. UNDP, Croatia (Smjernice za planiranje upravljanja zaštićenim područjima i/ili područjima ekološke mreže, 2018: Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja (2020), UNDP, Hrvatska), i.e., protection of natural values, cultural heritage and traditional values. Visitation management includes interpretation and education as well as cooperation with the local community and other stakeholders.
Protected Area Management plan is further implemented through the development and implementation of the Annual Program for the Protection, Maintenance, Preservation, Promotion and Use of Kopački Rit Nature Park.
Kopački Rit is the backbone of the network of protected areas on the Danube - DANUBEPARKS, founded in 2007. Since 2012 UNESCO has declared the transboundary Mura - Drava - Danube Biosphere Reserve (Croatia and Hungary), which includes an extremely valuable part of Kopački Rit (
Kopački Rit Nature Park is also included in the area of the Natura 2000 ecological network, namely Podunavlje and DonjePodravlje (HR 1000016) and Kopački Rit (HR 2000394).
Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve (22,480 ha) is situated in the north-western part of Serbia (Vojvodina), near the Danube banks, including numerous habitats in three landscape units: Apatinski rit, Monoštorski rit and Karapandža. This area has always attracted people for its abundance in natural resources, and currently the reason is primarily nature protection. In broader surroundings of the Gornje Podunavlje SNR (Special Nature Reserve) there are settlements with the population of about 83,000 (Stojanović & Savić 2013).
Gornje Podunavlje SNR is an important center of landscape, ecosystem and species varieties. The number of plants consists of about 1,000 species, among which there are extremely endangered species listed in the Red book of flora in Serbia, e.g. winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), water violet (Hottonia palustris) and mare’s tail (Hippuris vulgaris). The total known number of ornitho fauna is 230. The member of the group is also the rare and endangered species of white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla). Also, Gornje Podunavlje is the largest habitat of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Serbia (Panjković, 2000).
Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve has been managed by Public Enterprise Vojvodinašume from Petrovaradin since 2001.With the aim of its long-termed protection and preservation ten year management and annual management plans are designed with the following activities: planning documents and managing documents; custody and inspection; monitoring the condition; cooperation with users and stakeholders; protection and preservation of natural assets; measures for protection and exploitation of natural resources; development activities; scientific and research activities; cultural, educational, tourist – recreational activities; project activities; regulating and equipping the area; international cooperation (Stojanović & Savić 2013).
These activities are in accord with the obligations of the management pursuant to the Law on nature protection (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 36/2009).
In 1989, Gornje Podunavlje was included in the Important Bird Area (IBA) on approximately 1,000 ha, based on its ornithological values (Tucakov, 2018). The process of revision confirmed this status, while the area has been expanded to 22,949 ha ( In 2007, Gornje Podunavlje with its surroundings, obtaining the area of 22,480 ha, was included in the list of water habitats of international importance under the protection of Ramsar Convention ( Besides that, Gornje Podunavlje Region is on the list of Prime Butterfly Area (PBA) and it has the status of Important Plant Area (IPA) (Tucakov, 2018).
Data collection
Data for a comparative analysis of the development of ecotourism, which is presented in this paper, were collected primarily in field research. This part included contacts with the protected areas managers. The second part of the research was based on the study of secondary material sources. First, these are the development plans of these areas in the field of nature protection, and then the reports on the state of nature. Then, plans and strategies for the development of tourism were taken into analysis, both at the level of protected areas and wider at the level of counties (Osijek-Baranja in Croatia) or municipalities (Sombor and Apatin in Serbia).