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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2022 str. 83     <-- 83 -->        PDF

infrastructure and introduction of energy efficient technologies. The second project is the “EU Integration Project Natura 2000”, by means of which, among other things, the brand Parks of Croatia was realized. Visitor infrastructure projects for funding from EU funds were also prepared, leading to improved management of national protected areas and the realization of potential for local and wider regions development. As part of the “EU Integration Project Natura 2000”, the overall facilities of RC Mali Sakadaš were renovated.
Two projects have been prepared in PPKR, “Presentation and Education Centre Tikveš” and =”Port of Veliki Sakadaš” that are currently being implemented with the EU funds and should be completed by the end of 2021. “Presentation and Education Center Tikveš” is a project aiming to renovate and convert the Tikveš Castle complex into a modern visitor centre, which in addition to multimedia exhibitions interpreting natural and cultural values ​​of PPKR will have all the accompanying facilities such as catering, parking, educational space, etc. With the realization of this project, PPKR will get the second main entrance to the Park, and a new reception centre for the reception of visitors in the northern part of the Park (Hrvojević, 2020). The aim of the second project “Port of Veliki Sakadaš” is to build a new pontoon port, and also increase the use of renewable energy sources by using solar generators on new ships and boats. It is situated near the reception centre Mali Sakadaš and is the main point for the dispersion of visitors by ships and boats in the Park ( One of the basic criteria for the preparation of projects to be financed by the EU funds was the inclusion of the development of Visitor Management Plans. Thus, it was developed within the implementation of these projects.
First international projects in Gornje Podunavlje Region, which combine nature protection and sustainable tourism (ecotourism), were launched by the initiative of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2005 and 2006. Activities of arranging the ecological-educational trails, observation sites, as well as education for service providers in ecotourism were realized (Puzović et al, 2015). The next project on the initiative of WWF included extensive revitalization of wetlands in the locality Štrbac (Semenjača and Šarkanj ponds), which contributed to the preservation of original areas, development of sustainable tourism (ecotourism) and involvement of the local population in bird watching activities (
WWF made a significant contribution in the initiative for applying for the EUROPARC Sustainable Tourism Charter, which Gornje Podunavlje Region first received in 2014. EUROPARC took the initiative in 1995 to launch the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas is acknowledged globally as a model for sustainable tourism management ( Thanks to the application for the Charter, the Manager of Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve initiated preparation and adoption of two strategies for sustainable tourism development, as well as two action plans in the period between 2014 and 2019 (Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve - Sustainable Tourism Strategy, 2014; Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve - Action plan for sustainable tourism development, 2014) and 2021-2026 (Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve - Sustainable Tourism Strategy, 2021; Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve - Action plan for sustainable tourism development, 2021). Development goals and strategic guidelines in the field of tourism development are now far clearer than it was the case before - cooperation with the local community has been improved, the same as in the case of tourist infrastructure and a creation of improved destination image.
The Protected Area Manager organizes projects for the arrangement of the Special Nature Reserve for ecotourism, by financing these activities from the own funds. In the previous period, such projects contributed to: arrangement of the Eco-center Karapandža, improvement of the offer that completes the stay of visitors and eco tourists through equipping the observatory at the site Labudnjača; arrangement of moorings for boats within the Eco-center Karapandža, renovation and refurbishment of the ecological-educational trail at the site Bestrement, research, preparation and implementation of the Visitor Management Plan in Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve, education of employees of different profiles in Public Enterprise Vojvodinašume on nature protection and the importance of sustainable tourism.
Tourism in protected areas might be considered as one of the key drivers of local community development, if properly planned. Establishment of cooperation between protected area managers and the local community, through the formation of a unified offer and joint promotional activities, could enrich the offer of a specific tourist destination, while strengthening the identity of the local community itself at the same time (Setini, Wardana, Sukaatmadja, Ekawati, Yasa & Astawa, 2021; Mohd Noh, Razzaq, Mustafa, Nordin & Ibrahim, 2020). Besides that, the interaction of the local community members with tourists improves their intercultural understanding. Other benefits of tourism development for the local community usually include improving the infrastructure, but also improving the skills of local community members through development and strengthening of competencies in the field of tourism, promoting cohesiveness, strengthening partnerships, which is