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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2022 str. 35 <-- 35 --> PDF |
Spatial variation of morphological needle traits of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations in the Balkan peninsula in relation to climatic factors Prostorna varijabilnost morfoloških obilježja iglica populacija jele (Abies alba Mill.) na Balkanskom poluotoku u odnosu na klimatske čimbenike Vladan Popović, Darka Šešlija Jovanović, Aleksandar Lučić, Ljubinko Rakonjac, Sanja Jovanović, Aleksandar Vasiljević, Danijela Miljković Summary Interpopulation and intrapopulation variability of three morphological needle traits (length, width and thickness) was investigated in 16 natural silver fir populations in the Balkan Peninsula. The populations represent refugial areas of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the influence of climatic factors (mean annual temperature, number of days with temperatures < 0, > 5, < 18, > 18oC, Hargreaves climatic moisture deficit and De Martonne aridity index, on the pattern of morphological needle traits within each population. Populations showed variation in the analyzed morphological needle traits, which could not be clearly defined by any of the analyzed climatic factors. The De Martonne aridity index and Hargreaves climatic moisture deficit had the greatest impact on the trait values, whereas the mean annual precipitation had the lowest. Evolutionary ecology research of the silver fir needle morphology is a valuable contribution to the comprehention of the present genetic variability as a prerequisite for adaptation to the rapid climate change and conservation of the species area in the Balkan Peninsula region. Key words: needle morphology, climatic factors, silver fir, Balkan Peninsula INTRODUCTION UVOD Natural loss of forests is a consequence of stress caused by fluctuations in environmental factors due to rapid climate change as well asof the species sensitivity to temperature changes, water scarcity, anthropogenic factors (air pollution and human-driven deforestation), their genetic variability and adaptive capacity to adapt to such changes |