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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2022 str. 56 <-- 56 --> PDF |
(harmonisation) between the developed site chronologies of both Scots and Austrian pine. However, it is evident that Austrian pine exhibited better agreement. Significant agreement of the developed site chronologies enabled the development of regional chronologies of Scots and Austrian pine for the Zavidovići-Teslić area. A chronology of Scots pine with a total length of 145 years (1870-2014) and a chronology of Austrian pine with a total length of 180 years (1835-2014) were produced. Analysis of the relationship between climatic parameters (temperature, precipitation, forestry aridity index, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index) and the chronologies developed for Scots and Austrian pine indicated similar radial growth-climate relationships, with a more pronounced influence of climate variables on Austrian pine. Similar relationships between radial growth and climate and significant matching of identified pointer years showed that the radial tree growth of both tree species in the study area was significantly determined by climate conditions, i.e. chronologies of these species had a good climate signal, especially the summer drought signal. Based on the climate and site conditions in the study area, we can conclude that Scots pine is close to its ecological threshold. That is not the case with Austrian pine. Austrian pine grows in different climate conditions, and its distribution is primarily determined by other site conditions. This should be taken into account when drafting forest management plans for the observed area, and especially when planning the establishment of new forests. 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