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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2022 str. 7 <-- 7 --> PDF |
Uredništvo Zašto kasnimo u zelenoj tranziciji i energetskoj neovisnosti? Why do we lag behind in the green transition and energy independence? Riječ uredništva Sredina je ljeta užarenog od toplinskih valova uvjetovanih klimatskim zagrijavanjem, koji vuku planet Zemlju u nepovoljnom smjeru po život, u odnosu na dosadašnji, posebice u području umjerenog pojasa planeta. Padaju temperaturni rekordi, haraju požari, sve su češći snažni vjetrovi i intenzivne padaline u kratkom vremenu s velikim štetama, suša snižava korita rijeka i jezera, počinju redukcije vode, smanjuju se urodi u poljoprivredi. Uz sve te nevolje, neopravdana i brutalna ratna agresija Rusije na Ukrajinu traje šesti mjesec, bez naznaka da će doći do prekida. S istom se situacija dodatno komplicira zbog nastojanja Europske unije da što brže stekne energetsku neovisnost od Rusije, koja je ionako počela smanjivati isporuke plina i nafte. Na tragu svega, krajem srpnja Vlada Republike Hrvatske objavila je da će predložiti smanjivanje stope PDV-a s 13 na pet posto za ogrjevna drva, pelete, sječke i brikete te toplinsku energiju iz toplinskih stanica. Jesmo li davno prije mogli postići energetsku neovisnost i preorijentirati vlastito gospodarstvo u zelenom smjeru? O tome smo već pisali u ovogodišnjem broju 3-4, ali zbog aktualnosti teme još ćemo se jednom osvrnuti na isto. Podsjetit ćemo na dio onoga što smo unatrag 17 godina radili i predlagali unutar šumarskog sektora. I šire po tom pitanju. O svemu se može pročitati na stranicama Šumarskog lista. Tako je u cilju što bolje organizacije stručnih potencijala, Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo na svojoj 109. redovitoj Skupštini održanoj u Karlovcu 17. lipnja 2005., u okviru Dana hrvatskog šumarstva, osnovalo sekciju „Hrvatska udruga za biomasu“...Prema planu aktivnosti za 2006. godinu organizirali smo trodnevnu stručnu ekskurziju u Austriju – Gradišće od 18. do 20. svibnja. HŠD kao osnivač Hrvatske udruge za biomasu, organiziralo je posjet ovoj austrijskoj pokrajini gdje je najviše zastupljena uporaba bioenergije. Može se reći da su gotovo u potpunosti zamijenili uporabu fosilnih goriva obnovljivim resursima kao energetskim drvetom za toplinsku energiju i proizvodnju struje, uljanom repicom za proizvodnju biodizela te uporabom vjetrenjača za proizvodnju struje. (Šumarski list 5-6/2006) Šumarski list 9-10/2006 donosi opis navedene stručne ekskurzije u Gradišće: Zatim smo posjetili toplanu na biomasu Güttenbach (Pinkovac), snage kotla 1 MW na biomasu i s rezervnim kotlom na lož ulje snage 1,35 MW. Dipl. ing. Franz Jandrisitz upoznao nas je s Centralnim toplinskim sustavom Pinkovac, gdje se već 7 godina putem desetogodišnjeg ugovora toplovodom dužine 12 km grije oko 240 obiteljskih kuća. U uvodniku našeg lista broj 1-2/2007 pisali smo o pozitivnom utjecaju šume na globalno zatopljenje klime: Nedavno održani skup znanstvenika u Parizu potvrdio je kako je uzrok globalnoga zatopljenja na Zemlji nerazumno ponašanje čovjeka. Prekomjernim korištenjem fosilnih goriva atmosfera se obogaćuje ugljičnim dioksidom, povećavajući učinak „staklenika atmosfere“. Poznato je da su brojne ekskurzije udruga, tvrtki, jedinica lokalne uprave i samouprave posjetile Gradišće i divile se postignutim rezultatima na polju ostvarene energetske neovisnosti te nekada najmanje razvijene austrijske pokrajine. Ispada da se potrošilo skoro dvadesetak godina na obilaske, koji kasnije nisu poslužili kao primjer za primjenu u vlastitom kraju. Brdsko-planinsko područje Hrvatske obiluje šumskim resursima te je većina naselja u tom području mogla riješiti pitanje grijanja izgradnjom objekata na biomasu. Osim samog grijanja korist bi se našla i u zapošljavanju lokalnog stanovništva i gospodarstva, netrošenju sredstava za fosilna goriva, čišćem okolišu te zadržavanju ruralnog stanovništva u prostoru. Rezultat korištenja šumske biomase kod nas se ogleda u kogeneracijskim postrojenjima uz autoceste, koji svojim vlasnicima donose profit uz povlaštenu cijenu isporučene struje, a lokalnoj zajednici ne doprinosi osiguranom toplinskom energijom koja bi nas danas činila spokojnom prema neizvjesnosti koja vlada s dobavom i cijenom plina, nafte i struje. Nismo li uludo napravili još jednu akumulaciju kapitala kojom se financijska sredstva, pa dobrim dijelom i iz EU fondova, slijevaju u džepove malobrojnih privatnih investitora, a domaće stanovništvo koje živi okruženo šumom teškom mukom dolazi do ogrjevnog drveta, po cijeni koja je, umjesto socijalna, za razliku od ostalih sortimenata najbliža tržišnoj. Nedavno vladino smanjenje PDV-a za ogrjevno drvo ubrzo je kompenzirano povećanjem cijene istog. Uredništvo |
ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2022 str. 8 <-- 8 --> PDF |
Editorial It is the middle of summer marked by unprecedented heat. The heat waves, caused by climate warming, are pushing the planet Earth in an unfavourable direction for life, compared to that until now, especially in the region of the planet’s temperate zone. Temperatures have reached new records, fires are raging, and frequent strong winds and intense, abrupt changes in rainfall are inflicting extensive damage. The beds of rivers and lakes have reached the lowest points due to droughts; there are ongoing water reductions, and agricultural yields are reduced. In addition to all these misfortunes, Russia’s unjustified and brutal war aggression against Ukraine continues for the sixth month with no signs of stopping. The situation is further complicated by the efforts of the European Union to gain instantaneous energy independence from Russia, which has already begun to reduce gas and oil supplies. At the end of July, the Government of the Republic of Croatia announced that it would propose reducing the VAT rate from thirteen to five percent for firewood, pellets, wood chips and briquettes, as well as thermal energy from thermal stations. Could we have achieved energy independence and reoriented our own economy in the green direction much earlier? We already addressed this topic in the volumes 3-4 of this year, but due to the pertinence of the issue, we shall refer to it once again. We wish to remind you of what we have done and proposed within the forestry sector and beyond for the past 17 years. You can read about it on the pages of the Forestry Journal. Thus, with the view of organising professional potential in the best possible way, the Croatian Forestry Association founded the “Croatian Biomass Association” section at its 109th regular session held in Karlovac on June 17th, 2005, within the Croatian Forestry Day … According to the 2006 activity plan, we organized a three-day professional excursion in Austria – Gradišće, from May 18 to 20. The Croatian Forestry Association, as the founder of the Croatian Biomass Association, organized a visit to this Austrian province where the use of bioenergy is most prevalent. It can be said that fossil fuels have been almost completely replaced with renewable resources, such as energy wood for thermal energy and electricity production, rapeseed oil for biodiesel production and the use of windmills for electricity production (Forestry Journal 5-6/2006). The professional visit to Gradišće mentioned above was described in the Forestry Journal 9-10/2006. “Then we visited the Güttenbach (Pinkovac) biomass heating plant, with a biomass boiler power of 1 MW and a reserve heating oil boiler with a power of 1.35 MW. Franz Jandrisitz, BSc, introduced us to the Pinkovac Central Heating System, where under a 10-year contract, about 240 households have been supplied with heating energy through a 12-km long hot pipe for the past 7 years. In the editorial of Forestry Journal 1-2/2007, we discussed the positive effect of forests on global climate warming. A recent gathering of scientists in Paris confirmed that the cause of global warming on Earth is attributed to unreasonable human behaviour. Excessive use of fossil fuels enriches the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, leading to the greenhouse effect. It is well known that numerous excursions by various associations, companies, and local government and self-government units have been paid to Gradišće in order to admire the results achieved in the field of energy independence of this once least developed Austrian province. It turns out that almost twenty years were spent on tours that never led to the application of the results in their own regions. The hilly-mountainous area of Croatia abounds in forest resources, which means that the majority of the settlements in the area could solve the issue of heating by building biomass plants. In addition to the heating itself, there would also be many other benefits, such as the employment of the local people and the economy, not spending funds on fossil fuels, a cleaner environment and the retention of the rural population in the area. The results of using forest biomass in Croatia are reflected in the cogeneration plants along the motorways, which bring profit to their owners with a preferential price for the delivered electricity, but do not contribute to the local community by ensuring thermal energy, which would appease worries arising from the uncertainty related to the supply and price of gas, oil and electricity. Haven’t we foolishly created yet another accumulation of capital by which financial resources, including a large part from EU funds, line the pockets of a small number of private investors, while the local population living surrounded by forests has a hard time getting firewood, at a price that, instead of being social, unlike that of other assortments, it closest to the market price. The Government’s recent reduction in VAT on firewood was soon annulled by an increase in its price. Editorial Board |