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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

were observed in the GB stands in July and on the south aspect (Table 3).
In terms of stands, the highest average number of individuals per unit area (m²) was found in GD (156) stands. This was followed by the GA (140), GC (113) and GB (107) stands, respectively (Table 4). The highest number of individuals with 215 units/m² was observed in GD stands in August and on the south aspect, while the lowest number of individuals was observed in June in the GA stands and on the north aspect. In terms of periods, the highest average number of individuals was seen in August with 156 units. The lowest number was observed in June with 101 units. When evaluated in terms of aspects, 135 individuals/m² were found on the south-facing slopes, while 123 units/m² were found on the north-facing slopes. (Table 4).
The number of plant taxa differs according to the observation period. While some plant taxa such as Astragalus glycyphyllos (June), Centaurea triumfettii (July), Filipendula vulgaris (August), and Pilosella hoppeana (September) were observed only in a certain period, some taxa such as Calamintha grandiflora, Cirsium hypoleucum, Digitalis ferruginea, and Helleborus orientalis were observed during all