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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2022 str. 55 <-- 55 --> PDF |
forest roads in RS average targeted densities for these two MUs are 17.47 m/ha and 19.85 m/ha (Anon 2019). Thus, the actual forest road density is lower than the targeted one and the targeted density of primary forest traffic infrastructure is higher in mountainous than in the hilly areas (Table 3). The real skidding distance for obtained average targeted densities in of these MUs ranges from 250 to 308 m. The average targeted geometrical skidding distance is 189 m in MU Prosara and 283 m in MU Bobija-Ribnik. They are calculated by Rebula´s (1981) equation and they are lower than values of actual geometrical skidding distances. The single accessible high forests area is 1,666.073 ha and multiple accessible area is 442.26 ha in Prosara (Figure 8). The single accessible high forests area is 3,817.94 ha, and multiple is 3,427.15 ha in MU Bobija-Ribnik for double-targeted geometrical skidding distance (Figure 9). The grade of relative primary forest accessibility ranges from poorly to excellent. The coefficient of efficiency should be as high as possible because it is the indicator of quality of designing of forest roads (Table 2). Multicriteria evaluation of the terrain slope, growing stock and soil depth of the chosen areas determined suitability of investigated forests area for construction of primary forest traffic infrastructure. Slope of terrain ranges from 0 to 122 %, depth of soil ranges up to 340 cm, and growing stock ranges from 150 to 455 m³/ha. The influence of the selected subcriteria was obtained by AHP method. Based on the average original values for each subcriterion from questionnaire (slope 2.57, depth of soil 1.71 growing stock 2.5), actually their standardized values (slope 0.786, depth |