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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF

analysed companies. Women mostly work in administrative and commercial positions, while they are much less directly part of the production process. Regarding the educational structure, on average 31.8% of employees had the educational degree of primary school, 60.3% high school, 3.6% college and 4.3.% university. The unfavourable educational structure is reflected through the more intensive use of manual work and production with characteristics of primary processing. When it comes to the employees with higher level of education, they mostly occupy leading and managerial positions. It was determined that 96.9% of companies purchase raw materials only from “Srbijašume” public enterprise, and 56.2% from “Srbijašume” public enterprise and other sources, such as from private individuals, import, “Vojvodinašume” public enterprise and the Faculty of Forestry (educational facilities).
A similar percentage the respondents rated the importance of increasing market share. Thus, 31.2% of respondents see it as an extremely important goal of the company, 28.1% as important, and 31.2% as neither unimportant nor important (Table 3). The importance of market share is certainly a significant component, especially when companies compete with similar products and target customer groups. The results for market share are similar to the results for profit. Therefore, 28.1% of the respondents believe the profit to be an important goal of the company, 31.2% believe it to be important and 34.4% think it is neither unimportant nor important. These results certainly express the view that profit represents the primary, but not the only motive for business of the analysed companies.
Regarding the development of the municipality through employment of the local population, 34.4% of the respondents consider this goal to be important, and 28.1% have a neutral attitude. These relationships indicate a partially developed awareness of the need for the development of local environment, through the individual contribution of each company (job creation), which indirectly affects the improvement of the population standards in these areas. In addition, 43.8% of the respondents consider sales growth to be an important goal, and 3.4% have a neutral position on the matter. The majority of the companies are oriented towards growth and development, and thus on the improvement of sales, while other companies tend to maintain the current level of sales and clients. The reason may be the lack of capacity with which companies could meet the demands of increased production and demand.
Customer satisfaction was evaluated by 50% of the respondents as an extremely important goal, and by 43.8% as important. This indicates that good business relations, in the form of customer satisfaction, are a prerequisite for good