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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 46     <-- 46 -->        PDF

orientation of the analysed companies and a strong diversification of the markets they supply with their products.
In terms of product placement on the domestic market, most companies distribute products through wholesalers (46.9%), followed by other processors (37.5%). Of the 28 companies that export, most of them (57.1%) sell their products to other processors or, in the same percentage, to wholesalers (Table 5). These two types of placement are recognized as dominant in terms of distribution, especially bearing in mind that, to a large extent, these are semi-finished products intended for further production processes.
The most frequently encountered problems in business are billing (31.2%) and the market (25%), while 15.6% cite raw materials as a problem. In addition, one of the problems faced by companies are illiquid market and difficult possibilities for collecting receivables. The quantitative limitation in the purchase of raw materials certainly affects the scope of production as well, and, indirectly, the satisfaction of market demand. Also, personnel resources and limited opportunities for investments in modernizing production facilities and processes are among problems in the analysed companies’ business.
Opinions and attitudes towards companies’ business – Mišljenja i stavovi o poslovanju poduzeća
In this chapter the results related to the opinions and attitudes of the respondents regarding certain segments of business significant for the timber products market are presented.
Most of the respondents (43.8%) were very satisfied with the quantity and quality of raw materials they purchase from “Srbijašume” PE, and Nonić et al. (2018) obtained similar results. As for the raw material purchase procedure, 37.5% of respondents are very satisfied with the procedure, while 25% have a neutral attitude. The level of satisfaction with the procedure of placing products on the domestic and international markets is similar, 25% of respondents are very satisfied, and 28.1% are satisfied with the procedure. Moreover, 37.5% of respondents are very satisfied, and 34.4% of them are satisfied with the company’s market share (Table 6). All this indicates a market climate that is, when it comes to forest products, balanced and functional in terms of raw material purchase (in quantitative and qualitative terms) and placement (in bureaucratic and administrative terms).
The degree of respondents’ satisfaction with the fact that the state defines the price of raw materials is relatively evenly distributed across all categories, 25% of them are very dissatisfied with it, and 21.9% are very satisfied. Price formation on the state level creates two different aspects towards this matter. On the one hand, it ensures safety regarding the level of prices in a given period, while, on the other hand, this type of price formation is manifested through slow adaptation to dynamic market conditions. Practically, prices are formed based on the supply, demand and expenses from the moment of felling and wood production to the place of delivery (Keča et al., 2015). The largest percentage of respondents (53.1%) rated the competition for the purchase of raw materials as very strong, and 68.8% pointed out product placement. This indicates that a