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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

Recognizing opportunities and acting in the direction of using them is a very important component of strategic action and directing the company’s business policy. In that sense, the respondents identified and evaluated the opportunities (Table 9).
The majority of the respondents (59.4%) believe that orientation towards foreign markets is an extremely important opportunity. The largest number of respondents (46.9%) also see introduction of new products, raising the level of product finalization and expansion of production capacities as extremely important. Furthermore, 43.8% of respondents view the high demand for wood assortments as an extremely important opportunity. Occupying new segments of the domestic market is seen by 31.2% as an important opportunity, but also by 25% as completely unimportant. The majority of respondents (59.4%) rated investing in newer technologies and equipment as an extremely important opportunity (Table 9). In order to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness of business, but also to improve the connection between forestry and the wood industry, it is necessary to strive towards harmonizing the amount and production structure, to establish a transparent procedure for the sale of wood assortments, to encourage the development of production programs and technological progress, using innovative and original design, as well as throught the education and selection of professional staff (Delić et al., 2016). Cronbach coefficient alpha was 0.71, which indicates a good reliability of the company opportunities scale. The mean value of average marks by all respondents was 3.54, and standard deviation was 0.69. The lowest average mark was 2.2, and the highest was 5.
Timely monitoring of market trends and recognition of potential threats to the company’s operations ensure a proactive approach and better preparation for their elimination