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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2023 str. 50     <-- 50 -->        PDF

capacities, the introduction of new products, etc. In the category of threats, the respondents as most important evaluated to the instability in the purchase of raw materials, the influence of competition, long product billing period, etc. By applying AHP analysis on elements of the SWOT matrix, mean values were obtained, as shown in Figure 1.
In relation to other elements, according to the results of the A’WOT analysis, the highest value was obtained by the factors related to opportunities (0.363). These factors are based on investments in facilities and technology, development of production lines and expansion of capacities, opening of new markets with the encouragement of export orientation, etc. Threats (0.250) are reflected in the instability of the purchase of raw materials, the influence of competition and the illiquid market. On the other hand, complex procedures in the purchase and placement of products, the decline in the economic power of people, etc. were highlighted. Strengths (0.256) include good business relations and cooperation with customers, as well as proximity and quality of raw materials. In addition, the relationship between the price and product quality, along with the existence of qualified and professional workforce, etc., was highlighted. Weaknesses (0.131) are expressed through high dependence on suppliers, the possibility of obtaining sufficient quantities of raw materials, obsolescence of equipment and machinery with insufficient capacity utilization, narrow product range, low level of product finalization.
This research included 32 privately owned companies and one company in mixed ownership. The average number of employees was 112, with the majority of men (76.7%). The majority of employees have secondary education (60.3%), 31.8% of employees have elementary education, 3.6% have college education and 4.3% have university education. Almost all companies (96.9%) purchase raw materials from “Srbijašume” PE, and 56.2% from other sources, besides “Srbijašume” PE (import, “Vojvodinašume” PE and the Faculty of Forestry - teaching facilities). According to the analyzed companies, the most purchased species are beech (78.1%) and conifers (21.9%), followed by poplar and oak clones with 18.8%. The assortment of products includes sawn timber (37.5%), pellets (34.4%), furniture (28.1%) and boards (25%), which are exported to the international market (87.5% of companies) through wholesale. Fifty percent (50%) of companies sell products on the domestic market, and 87.5% on the domestic and international market. The business problems that were mostly identified are billing (31.2%) and the market (25%), while 15.6% cited raw materials.
Analysing opinions and attitudes towards companies’ business, 43.8% of the respondents expressed their satisfaction with the quality and quantity of raw materials they purchase from “Srbijašume”. 37.5% of respondents are very satisfied with the procedure regarding the purchase of raw materials, while 25% are neutral. The level of satisfaction with the procedure of product placement on the domestic and foreign markets has a similar profile: 25% of respondents are very satisfied, and 28.1% of them are satisfied with the procedure. When it comes to their market share, 37.5% of respondents are very satisfied, and 34.4% are satisfied. Twenty-five percent (25%) of respondents are very dissatisfied with the fact that the state forms the price of raw materials, and 21.9% are very satisfied. The majority of the respondents (53.1%) rated the competition for the procurement of raw materials as very strong, but also the competition between companies on the market (68.8%). The marketing activities of the company (43.8%) were evaluated as very strong.