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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2023 str. 25     <-- 25 -->        PDF

Used Equipment and Features – Rabljena oprema i značajke
In this study, the exhaust gas of a chainsaw was measured on the Castor 600i. The engine power is 2.2 kW and the engine volume is 59 cm³, which belongs to the light class chainsaw (Table 1). For safety reasons, the guide bar and cutting chain of the chainsaw were separated from the body. An iron frame mechanism was used to keep the chainsaw stable during work (Figure 2).
CO measurements were carried out with a low-cost Uni-T Ut337A brand CO meter. The CO meter gives measurement results in ppm (Table 2). The instrument used in the measurement does not have the ability to automatically save the measurements. If the maximum CO value exposed during the measurement exceeds the exposure limit specified according to a short-term exposure limit (STEL) and a time-weighted average (TWA), the measurement tool will issue a luminous warning.
Uni-T UT373 is a mini tachometer was used to measure the rotation speed of engines and other technical equipment. Uni-T UT373 is a digital tachometer, which displays the measurement results in revolutions per minute (rpm) (Table 3).