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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2023 str. 45     <-- 45 -->        PDF

podignute dvije pokusne plohe pitomog kestena, predstavljene s 12 populacija iz cijelog areala u Hrvatskoj. Klonske plantaže u Hrvatskoj nedostaju, odnosno nužno je podići plohu u kojoj će svih pet genotipova koji tvore ‘Lovranski Marun’ biti očuvani, čime će se jedinom do sada utvrđenom nacionalnom kultivaru osigurati budućnost.
Rad je izrađen u okviru projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (projekt IP-2018-01-1295) i hrvatsko-švicarskog istraživačkog programa koji provode Hrvatska zaklada za znanost i Švicarska nacionalna zaklada za znanost (projekt IZHRZ0_180651).
Alessandri, S., A.M. Ramos Cabrer, M.A. Martìn, C. Mattioni, S. Pereira-Lorenzo, L. Dondini, 2022: Genetic characterization of Italian and Spanish wild and domesticated chestnut trees, Sci. Hortic., 295: 110882.
Anić, M., 1942: O rasprostranjenosti evropskog pitomog kestena s osobitim obzirom na nezavisnu državu Hrvatsku i susjedne zemlje, Tiskara C. Albrecht (P. Acinger), 142 str., Zagreb.
Anić, M., 1945: Pogledi na šumsku vegetaciju Istre i susjednih zemalja, Šum. List 69: 13–23.
Anić, M., 1953: Pitomi kesten na Cresu, Glas. Šum. Pokus., 11: 321–356.
Aravanopoulos, F.A., A.D. Drouzas, P.G. Alizoti, 2001: Electrophoretic and quantitative variation in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Hellenic populations in old-growth natural and coppice stands, For. Snow Landsc. Res., 76 (3): 429–434.
Ballian, D., D. Kajba, 2011: Oplemenjivanje šumskog drveća i očuvanje njegove genetske raznolikosti, Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 299 str., Sarajevo-Zagreb.
Beccaro, G.L., D. Torello-Marinoni, G. Binelli, D. Donno, P. Boccacci, R. Botta, A.K. Cerutti, M. Conedera, 2012: Insights in the chestnut genetic diversity in Canton Ticino (Southern Switzerland), Silvae Genet., 61 (1-6): 292–300.
Bolvanský, M., F. Tokár, D. Tarinová, M. Užik, A. Kormuták, 2009: Phenotypic and genetic differences among populations of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia, Acta Hortic., 844: 235–242.
Bounous, G. 2002. Il castagno: Coltura, ambiente ed utilizzazioni in Italia e nel mondo. Edagricole, Bologna.
Bounous, G. 2009: Italy, Following chestnut footprints (Castanea spp.) – cultivation and culture, folklore and history, traditions and use, Scripta Hortic., 9: 72–84.
Castellana, S., M.A. Martín, A. Solla, F. Alcaide, F. Villani, M. Cherubini, D. Neale, C. Mattioni, 2021: Signatures of local adaptation to climate in natural populations of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) from southern Europe, Ann. For. Sci., 78: 27.
Conedera, M., M.C. Manetti, F. Giudici, E. Amorini, 2004a: Distribution and economic potential of the sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Europe, Ecol. Medit., 30: 179–193.
Conedera, M., P. Krebs, 2008: History, present situation and perspective of chestnut cultivation in Europe, Acta Hortic., 784: 23–27.
Conedera, M., P. Krebs, W. Tinner, M. Pradella, D. Torriani, 2004b: The cultivation of Castanea sativa Mill. in Europe, from its origin to its diffusion on a continental scale, Veget. Hist. Archaeobot., 13: 161–179.
Cuestas, M.I., C. Mattioni, L.M. Martín, E. Vargas-Osuna, M. Cherubini, M.A. Martín, 2017: Functional genetic diversity of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill) populations from southern Spain, For. Syst., 26 (3): 5.
Cutino, I., T. La Mantia, T. Caruso, D. Cartabellotta, 2006: The indigenous germplasm of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the Etna area: ecophysiolocial aspects and morphological traits of the fruit, Adv. Hortic. Sci., 20: 107–112.
Daničić, V., B. Kovačević, D. Ballian, 2018: Varijabilnost morfoloških svojstava ploda europskog pitomog kestena (Castanea sativa Mill.) u prirodnim populacijama Bosne i Hercegovine”, Šumar. List, 142 (9-10): 517–528.
De Kort, H., J.G. Prunier, S. Ducatez, O. Honnay, M. Baguette, V.M. Stevens, S. Blanchet, 2021: Life history, climate and biogeography interactively affect worldwide genetic diversity of plant and animal populations, Nat. Commun., 12: 516.
De Vries, S.M.G., M. Alan, M. Bozzano, V. Burianek, E. Collin, J. Cottrell, M. Ivanković, C.T. Kelleher, J. Koskela, P. Rotach, L. Vietto, L. Yrjānā, 2015: Pan-European strategy for genetic conservation of forest trees and establishment of a core network of dynamic conservation units, EUFORGEN, Biodiversity International, Rim.
Eriksson, G., 1996: Evolutionary genetics and conservation of forest tree genetic resources. U: Noble Hardwoods Network, Report of the 1st EUFORGEN Meeting, IPGRI Rim, 159–167.
Eriksson, G., 1998: Evolutionary genetics and conservation of forest tree genetic resources. U: Noble Hardwoods Network, Report of the 2nd EUFORGEN Meeting, IPGRI Rim, 61–75.
Eriksson, G., A. Pliura, J. Fernández-López, R. Zas, R. Blanco Silva, F. Villani, G. Bucci, M. Casasoli, M. Cherubini, M. Lauteri, C. Mattioni, C. Monteverdi, A. Sansotta, G. Garrod, M. Mavrogiannis, R. Scarpa, F. Spalato, P. Aravanoupoulos, E. Alizoti, A. Drouzas, 2005: management of genetic resources of the multi-purpose tree species Castanea sativa Mill., Acta Hortic., 693: 373–386.
Ertan, E., 2007: Variability in leaf and fruit morphology and in fruit composition of chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the Nazilli region of Turkey, Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 54: 691–699.
Fernández-Cruz, J., B. Míguez-Soto, J. Fernández-López, 2022: Origin of traditional sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) varieties from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, Tree Genet. Genomes, 18: 34.
Fernández-Cruz, J., J. Fernández-López, 2016: Genetic structure of wild sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) populations in northwest of Spain and their differences with other European