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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2023 str. 75 <-- 75 --> PDF |
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Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 35(8), 547-561. * Pravilnik o provedbi mjere 4 »Ulaganja u fizičku imovinu«, podmjere 4.3. »Potpora za ulaganja u infrastrukturu vezano uz razvoj, modernizaciju i prilagodbu poljoprivrede i šumarstva«, tipa operacije 4.3.3. »Ulaganje u šumsku infrastrukturu« iz programa ruralnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje 2014. – 2020. (NN 106/2015, 65/2017, 77/2017, 84/2018, 91/2019). Summary The purpose of this paper is a detailed explanation of determining the accessibility of the forest area by calculating road density and the relative forest openness on the examples of two management units. The mentioned two parameters represent indispensable factors in the later phase of planning the optimal forest traffic infrastructure network. As a guide for increasing forest accessibility, a valid Bylaw on measure implementation M04 »Investments in physical assets«, by-measure 4.3 »Grant for investments in development, modernization and customization of agriculture and forestry«, operation type 4.3.3 »Investments in forest infrastructure« from the Program of Rural Development in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 2014 to 2020 (NN 106/15) (NN 106/2015, 65/2017, 77/2017 and 84/2018), which in its appendix No. 1 – Form for the Effectiveness Study of Primary Forest Road Traffic Infrastructure prescribes the preparation of the Effectiveness study of the forest road network. This paper presents valuable tools within the two most common GIS software packages: the commercial ArcGIS program and QGIS, an open-source program. The GIS tools within both programs, which are necessary for preparing the Effectiveness study of the forest road network, are presented and explained in detail. This professional paper contains valuable information for all who deal with the problem of determining the availability of forest area, i.e. the optimal planning of forest road layout, as well as for determining the actual state of road density and the relative openness of the forests Key words: GIS, road density, relative openness, planning of primary forest roads, ArcGIS, QGIS |