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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2023 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

Annals of Botany, 87: 19–25. (u: Nawrot M., W. Pazdrowski, M. Szymański, 2008: Dynamics of heartwood formation and axial and radial distribution of sapwood and heartwood in stems of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.). J. For. Sci., 54: 409-417.)
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Nawrot M., W. Pazdrowski, M. Szymański, 2008: Dynamics of heartwood formation and axial and radial distribution of sapwood and heartwood in stems of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.). J. For. Sci., 54: 409-417.
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Larch (Larix decidua) showed good growth and adaptability to ecological conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research aims to determine the variability of the morphological traits of larch in the seed stand near Kakanj, the variability at the beginning of heartwood formation, and correlations among these properties.
In the larch seed stand, established by seedlings 2+0 in 1979, an area of 0,45 hectares was set aside. The heights and breast height diameters of the trees were on that area were measured in 2002 and 2020, and the basal area and volume were calculated. In 2020, the trees were drilled at breast height with a Presler drill to measure the proportion of heartwood. Average values of all properties for 2002 and 2020 were calculated. The ten, five and one best trees were selected according to the properties of breast height diameter, height, basal area, volume, and the intensities of selection for these traits were calculated. The Pearson correlation coefficient among all investigated traits were calculated.