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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2023 str. 7 <-- 7 --> PDF |
Uredništvo Na kraju 2023. godine At the end of 2023 Riječ uredništva Krajem godine obično se svode računi i rezimira napravljeno tijekom 12 mjeseci. Mi ćemo se ukratko osvrnuti na teme kojima se rubrika Uvodnika bavila. U broju 1-2/2023. dotaknuli smo se zakupa šumskog zemljišta koje je dosta aktualno posljednjih godina, a u svrhu povećanja površina za tu namjenu radilo se više izmjena i dopuna propisa, ranije Pravilnika o uređivanju šuma, a ove godine i Zakona o šumama. Olakšavanjem i pomaganjem stočarstvu nastali su problemi šumarstvu i drugim korisnicima prostora, što će trebati uskladiti u budućem razdoblju. U uvodniku broja 3-4/2023. osvrnuli smo se se na aktualan datum u to vrijeme, a to je 21. ožujka, Međunarodni dan šuma. Šume postaju sve važnije, i to ne samo kao prirodni resurs, već i zbog drugih vrijednosti. Tako je ovogodišnja tema Međunarodnog dana šuma bila „Zdrave šume za zdrave ljude“, s naglaskom na zdravstvenu funkciju šuma. Međutim zdravlje šuma u svijetu, a tako i kod nas, postaje sve veći izazov s kojim će se hrvatski šumari sve više susretati. Uvodna tema broja 5-6/2023. bila je posvećena Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije u Zagrebu, kao nositelju obrazovanja u šumarskoj i drvnotehnološkoj struci. Osnovan 1898. godine kao Šumarska akademija, kroz 125 godina djelovanja razvio se u modernu visokoškolsku ustanovu, spremnu na usklađivanje s potrebama vremena. Kratkotrajno ovogodišnje srpanjsko nevrijeme pamtit će se kao stoljetna katastrofa po šume, a posebice za najvrijednije sastojine Spačvanskog bazena, što je zabilježeno u broju 7-8/2023. Tadašnje prve procjene šumskih šteta govorile su o 1,5 milijuna m3 drvne zalihe, da bi do kraja godine te procjene narasle na 3,5 milijuna m3. Posljedice nevremena sanirat će se godinama s velikim teškoćama u obnovi tih sastojina. U broju 9-10/2023. zapitali smo se treba li se brinuti za budućnost ljudskih potencijala u šumarstvu. Atraktivnost obrazovanja i zapošljavanja u šumarstvu u Hrvatskoj, uz negativne demografske trendove, sve više opada. Uz spomenute probleme sa zdravljem hrvatskih šuma i budućnost rada u tim šumama ne nudi nažalost previše optimizma. Nije svrha uvodnika pronalaziti samo teške teme u šumarstvu, već se osvrtima žele potaknuti promjene nabolje i to na svim poljima društva i države. Završimo ipak u vedrijem tonu 147. godinu izlaženja Šumarskog lista. Za tri godine obilježit će se impresivnih 150 godina neprekinutog izlaženja znanstveno-stručnog i staleškog glasila Hrvatskoga šumarskog društva, koje ga svrstava među 10 najstarijih šumarskih časopisa u svijetu. Svim članovima HŠD-a i njihovim najmilijima te čitateljima Šumarskog lista, sa željom da i sami sudjeluju svojim radovima u stvaranju novih godišta, sretan Božić i sretna nova 2024. godina, puno zdravlja, privatnih i poslovnih uspjeha. Uredništvo |
ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2023 str. 8 <-- 8 --> PDF |
Editorial The end of the year is usually the time to make an account of what has been done in the course of 12 months. We shall make a brief review of the topics dealt with in the Editorials. The volume 1-2/2023 was devoted to the lease of forest land – a relatively topical issue in the past several years. In order to enlarge the area intended for this purpose several changes and amendments were made to the former Forest Planning Regulation, and this year to the Forest Act. Facilitating and helping livestock farming created problems for forestry and other users of the area, which will need to be rectified in the future. The Editorial 3-4/2023 was devoted to March 21st, the International Day of Forests. Forests are becoming increasingly more important not only as a natural resource but also as a source of other values. This year’s theme of the International Day of Forests was Forests and Health, or Healthy Forests for Healthy People, with special focus on the health function of forests. However, the health of forests in the world and in Croatia is faced with challenges which will have to be addressed by Croatian forestry experts. The Editorial 5-6/2023 was devoted to the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zagreb as the provider of education in the forestry and wood technology profession. Established in 1898 as the Forestry Academy, through 125 years of activity it has developed into a modern higher education institution ready to adapt to the needs of the times. This year’s short-lived July storm will be remembered as an unprecedented disaster for forests, particularly for the most valuable stands of the Spačva basin, which was dealt with in the issue 7-8/2023. The initial estimate on forest damage was 1.5 million m2 of growing stock, but it amounted to 3.5 million m2 by the end of the year. The consequences of the storm will be felt for years and regeneration of the affected stands will face enormous difficulties. The issue 9-10 was concerned with whether we should worry about the future of human resources in forestry. The attractiveness of education and employment in forestry in Croatia, along with negative demographic trends, is increasingly declining. In addition to the aforementioned problems concerning the health of Croatian forests, the future of work in these forests does not offer too much optimism. The purpose of our editorials is not to find difficult topics in forestry but primarily to initiate changes for the better for all stakeholders of the sector, society and the state by providing reviews and opinions. Let us mark the 147th year of the publication of Forestry Journal on a brighter note. In three years, we will celebrate the impressive 150 years of uninterrupted publication of the scientific-professional and specialized journal of the Croatian Forestry Association, which ranks it among the 10 oldest forestry journals in the world. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2024 and lots of health, personal and business successes to all CFA members and their loved ones and to all readers of Forestry Journal! May you yourselves participate in the creation of new anniversaries with your contributions! Editorial Board |