1 (1926)
2 (1927)
3 (1931)
4 (1935)
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P 2 (1986)
P 3 (1987)
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44 (2011)


   Godina: 1976    Str: 1 - 246
   Glavni urednik: Dušan Klepac

Annales experimentatis silvarum culturae provehendis
Univirsitas studiorum Zagrebiensis
                    Issued continously since 1926.
   UDK 630*
   ISSN No.: 0352-3861
   Issued by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Šumarski fakultet
   Address: p. p. 422, HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia
   Editor in Chief: Darko Bakšić

Đuro Rauš   5
Vegetacija ritskih šuma dijela Podunavlja od Aljmaša do Iloka
Die Vegatation der Auenwälder eines Teils des Donaugebietes zwischen Aljmaš und Ilok
Božidar Petrić   77
Varijacije nominalne volumne težine ranoga i kasnog drva bijele borovine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Variations of the nominal density of early- and late-wood of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Ante Krstinić   103
Varijabilnost bujnosti rasta i pravnosti debla hibrida bijele vrbe (Salix alba L.) i krhke vrbe (Salix fragilis L.)
Variability of growth vigour and stem straightness of the hybrids of White Willow (Salix alba L.) and Crack Willow (Salix fragilis L.)