1 (1926)
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   Godina: 1980    Str: 1 - 362
   Glavni urednik: Dušan Klepac

Annales experimentatis silvarum culturae provehendis
Univirsitas studiorum Zagrebiensis
                    Issued continously since 1926.
   UDK 630*
   ISSN No.: 0352-3861
   Issued by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Šumarski fakultet
   Address: p. p. 422, HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia
   Editor in Chief: Darko Bakšić

Ankica Pranjić   5
Odnos visinskog i debljinskog prirasta u sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka
Relation between height and diameter increment in Pedunculate Oak stands
Milenko Plavšić, Uroš Golubović   93
Istraživanje vrijednosnog prirasta drvne mase u mješovitim sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka i poljskog jasena
Investigations on the value increment of the growing stock in mixed stands of Pedunculate Oak and Field Ash
Vladimir Bruči   149
Utjecaj vlage iverja i temperature prešanja u proizvodnji troslojnih ploča iverica na vrijeme prešanja i fizičko-mehanička svojstva gotovih ploča
Effects of particle moisture and pressing temperature in the production of three-layer particle boards on the pressing time and physico-mechanical properties of finished boards
Šime Meštrović   231
Utjecaj borovih kultura na čistoću zraka u kliško-solinskom bazenu
Effect of Pine cultures on air purity in the Klis-Solin basin
Katica Opalički   299
Utjecaj biološkog i kemijskog insekticida na promjenu hemocita gusjenica gubara (Lymantria dispar L.) i pagusjenica obične i smeđe borove pilarice (Diprion pini L. i Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr.)
Effects of biological and chemical insecticides on the change of haemocytes Gypsy Moth caterpillars (Lymantria dispar L.) and of the pseudocaterpillars of Pine Sawflies (Diprion pini L. and Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr.)