1 (1926) 2 (1927) 3 (1931) 4 (1935) 5 (1937) 6 (1938) 7 (1940) 8 (1942) 9 (1948) 10 (1952) 11 (1953) 12 (1956) 13 (1957) 14 (1960) 15 (1962) 16 (1972) 18 (1975) 19 (1976) 20 (1980) 21 (1983) 22 (1984) 23 (1985) P 2 (1986) P 3 (1987) 24 (1988) 26 (1990) 27 (1991) 28 (1992) 29 (1993) P 4 (1993) 30 (1994) | 31 (1994) 32 (1995) 33 (1996) 34 (1997) 35 (1998) 36 (1999) 37 (2000) 38 (2002) 39 (2002) 40 (2003) 41 (2005) P 5 (2006) 42 (2007) 43 (2009) 44 (2011) |
27 Godina: 1991 Str: 1 - 259 |
Joso Vukelić | 1 | |
Šumske zajednice i staništa hrasta kitnjaka (Quercus petraea Liebl.) u gorju sjeverozapadne Hrvatske | ||
Waldgesellschaften und Standorte der Traubeneiche (Quercus petraea Liebl.) im Gebirge Nordwestkroatiens | ||
Zvonko Seletković | 83 | |
Utjecaj industrijskih polutanata na običnu bukvu (Fagus sylvatica L.) u šumskim ekosistemima slavonskoga gorja | ||
Der Einfluss von Industriepollutanten auf die Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.) in den Waldökosystemen des Slawonischen Gebirges | ||
Stjepan Bertović | 197 | |
Glavna obilježja visokogorskog bioklimata u okolišu klimatološke postaje i NPŠO-a Zalesina (Gorski Kotar-Hrvatska) | ||
Main characteristics of the altimontane bioclimate in the surroundings of the Experimental and Educational Area of Zalesina, Gorski Kotar - Croatia | ||
Mladen Stojković | 227 | |
Varijabilnost i nasljednost listanja hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.) | ||
Variability and heritability of leafing in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) | ||