1 (1926)
2 (1927)
3 (1931)
4 (1935)
5 (1937)
6 (1938)
7 (1940)
8 (1942)
9 (1948)
10 (1952)
11 (1953)
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13 (1957)
14 (1960)
15 (1962)
16 (1972)
18 (1975)
19 (1976)
20 (1980)
21 (1983)
22 (1984)
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P 2 (1986)
P 3 (1987)
24 (1988)
26 (1990)
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P 4 (1993)
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41 (2005)
P 5 (2006)
42 (2007)
43 (2009)
44 (2011)


   Godina: 1993    Str: 1 - 364
   Glavni urednik: Đuro Rauš

Annales experimentatis silvarum culturae provehendis
Univirsitas studiorum Zagrebiensis
                    Issued continously since 1926.
   UDK 630*
   ISSN No.: 0352-3861
   Issued by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Šumarski fakultet
   Address: p. p. 422, HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia
   Editor in Chief: Darko Bakšić

Boris Hrašovec   1
Prilog poznavanju bioekologije insekata iz roda Balaninus Germ., štetnika žira hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.)
Biology of the Insects of the genus Balaninus Germ., an Acorn Pests of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.)
Davorin Kajba   39
Mogućnosti kloniranja obične breze (Betula pendula Roth.) i crne johe (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.)
Possibilities of Cloning for the Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and the Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.)
Đuro Kovačić   77
Zakon rasta i numeričko bonitiranje šuma
The Law of Growth and Site Class Determination in Forests
Nedeljka Šegulja, Đuro Rauš   133
Sto trajnih ploha Republike Hrvatske (ekološka istraživanja)
One Hundred Permanent Plots in Croatia (Ecological research)
Tono Kružić   149
Izbor regresijskog modela za izjednačenje drvnogromadnih tablica
Choosing Regression Models for Fitting Volume Tables
Marijan Benko   199
Procjena taksacijskih elemenata sastojina na infracrvenim kolornim aerosnimcima
Assessment of Stands Elements On Colour Infrared Aerial Photographs
Joso Vukelić, Đuro Rauš   275
Fitocenološki aspekt sušenja šuma u Turopoljskom lugu
Phytozoenologischer Aspekt Des Waldsterbens In Waeldern von Turopoljski lug
Slavko Matić, Josip Skenderović   295
Studija bioekološkog i gospodarskog rješenja šume Turopoljski lug ugrožene propadanjem (uzgojna istraživanja)
Research On Biological, Ecological and Economic Treatment of the Endangered Turopoljski lug Forest (Silvicultural research)
Đuro Rauš   335
Fitocenološka osnova i vegetacijska karta nizinskih šuma Srednje Hrvatske
Phytocoenology and Vegetation Map of Central Croatia Flatland Forests