1-2/2008 3-4/2008 5-6/2008 7-8/2008 9-10/2008 11-12/2008 + 2009 + 2010 + 2011 + 2012 + 2013 + 2014 + 2015 + 2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020 + 2021 + 2022 + 2023 + 2024 new HR EN |
![]() 5-6/2008 |
Goglia, V., J. Žgela, I. Đukić | UDK 630* 304 + 964 (001) | 239 |
The Effectiveness of Anti-Vibration Gloves: Part II | ![]() ![]() |
Summary: There are various ways of reducing the health-hazards of hand-transmitted vibration. One of the possible protective measures is the use of the anti-vibration gloves, but their efectiveness is still subject to discussion and many experts are questioning it. The procedure for measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of the anti-vibration gloves is given in ISO 10819-1996 and EN ISO 10819-1996 as well as in the National Standard HRN ISO 10819-2000. Due to the numerous objections on the testing procedure recommended by the above standards many researchers prefer field- testing. In order to assess the efectiveness of anti-vibration gloves of five different manufactureres the Faculty of Forestry – University of Zagreb in co-operation with the public enterprise Hrvatske šume Ltd. carried out a field-testing. The paper reports on the testing results. Key words: anti-vibration gloves; ergonomics; testing; vibration |
authors: GOGLIA, Vlado ŠL Žgela, Josip Đukić, Igor | |
Degmečić, D., M. Bićanić | UDK 630* 156 | 245 |
Body Weight and Development of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Eastern Slavonia and Baranja | ![]() ![]() |
Summary: In many areas of Europe regional differences in growth, body size and daily growth in body weight of fawns have been noticed and recorded. Since both the main aims of hunting management and the directions for selection and breeding measures depend on knowing these characteristics (liveweight after fawning, rate of growth and body development), these data are crucial for implementing adequate measures designed for improvement of roe deer breeding. Without long-term data on actual size of population of roe deer and its sex and age structure in a particular hunting ground, not even the best game experts can proscribe adequate breeding measures and rational utilization of roe deer. Without these data it is also impossible to give proper management directions, the implementation of which could enable a permanent high-quality production of roe deer. This paper will point out the existing values in growth and body development of roe deer in eastern Slavonija and Baranja. We also aim to stress the importance of constant monitoring of these values and to show what sort of influence the values of body growth and development have to the trophy value, to successful breeding (number of embryos) and to proper fawn growth as well as what significance these data have for selective and breeding measures. The body weight of fawns in litter was monitored in Haljevo forest, as was the daily increase of fawn body weight. Body weight of fawns, young and breeding stock has been monitored during hunting season in a typical forest habitat of roe deer in Spačva and in a typical field habitat Baranjsko Podunavlje. Research on these three localities confirmed that several values are important for roe deer management: fawn body weight in litter, fast early growth of fawns, death rate during first months of life, body weight of fawns before their first winter, body weight of does, fertility of does, body weight of bucks, trophy structure of bucks. Key words: average value of body weight of bucks and does; body weight of fawns in litter; daily growth rate of fawns; roe deer productivity |
authors: DEGMEČIĆ, Dražen ŠL Bićanić, Milan | |
Najvirt, Ž., A. Miličević, Š. Meštrović | UDK 630* 181.1 | 253 |
Area of the Kermes Oak (Quercus coccifera L.) on the Western Part of Peninsula Pelješac | ![]() ![]() |
Summary: This paper for the first time determines and charts the areal of Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) within the area of western part of Pelješac peninsula (west and north from route Orebić – Trpanj). It is known from literature that Kermes oak in Croatia comes on southern sides of Pelješac peninsula, around Orebić, but its areal is not described and shown nowhere in detail. Therefore for the first time we confirm and describe the areal of Kermes oak on western part of Pelješac peninsula, where in clean and mixed habitats comprises the surface of 2.235 ha, constituting community of Kermes oak and Black pine (Fraxino orni – Quercetum cocciferae H-ić 1958). Kermes oak is protected sort on all natural habitats in Republica of Croatia since 9. 5. 1969. Key words: areal; Kermes oak; Pelješac |
authors: NAJVIRT, Željko ŠL MILIČEVIĆ, Ante ŠL MAJNARIĆ, Zoran ŠL | |
Španjol, Ž., K. Biljaković, R. Rosavec, D. Dominko, D. Barčić, D. Starešinić | UDK 630* 432 | 259 |
Forest Fires and Physical Models | ![]() ![]() |
Summary: Croatia is relatively rich in forests; forested areas account for 36 % of the total territory of the country. However, forest fires occurring in the Adriatic region of Croatia are a serious threat to natural resources, since they decrease biological diversity and exert a negative impact on landscape variety. The complexity of the problem requires the involvement of a number of scientific fields, such as forestry, geology, biology, meteorology and physics. Physics is known to successfully detect some basic principles of occurrence and activity in the material world, which has a broad scope of uses beyond the boundaries of physics alone. Physics, in cooperation with other scientific disciplines, discovers and investigates ways and patterns in which complexities are manifested, thus opening the door to an array of applications. “Correlations in Complex Systems: from Physics to Biotechnology” is the title of an interdisciplinary program financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, which, among others, integrates scientific approaches of physics and forestry to the study of forest fires. This paper provides some concepts of forest fires that are specific for each scientific discipline. It also explores the possibilities of their interaction and the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the solution of vital issues concerning forest fires and their prevention. Key words: complexity; fire; forestry; physics; the Adriatic region |
authors: ŠPANJOL, Željko ![]() Biljaković, Katica ROSAVEC, Roman ŠL Dominko, Damir BARČIĆ, Damir ŠL Starešinić, Damir | |