broj: 1-2/2011        pdf (4,93 MB)


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Znanstveno-stručno i staleško glasilo
Hrvatskoga šumarskoga društva
Journal of Forestry Society of Croatia
      Prvi puta izašao 1877. godine i neprekidno izlazi do današnjeg dana
   ISSN No.: 0373-1332              UDC 630*
upute autorima

select * from clancislEN where brojid=201101 and arb=1 order by id

Krapinec, K., D. Konjević, I. Brezovac, L. Manojlović, K. Severin, V. Njemirovskij, M. Grubešić, K. Tomljanović UDK 630* 156 (001)
Some Morphological Characteristics of Wild Boar Tusks and Evaluation of Aging Methods     pdf     HR     EN 7
Kobal, M., M. Urbančič, N. Potočić, B. De Vos, P. Simončič UDK 630* 114.2 (001)
Pedotransfer Functions for Bulk Density Estimation of Forest Soils     pdf     HR     EN 19
Pekeč, S., B. Vrbek, S. Orlović, B. Kovačević UDK 630* 232.3 + 114.2 (001)
Production Potencial of Black Poplar (Section Aigeiros Duby) on Eugley     pdf     HR     EN 29
Summary: The paper presents the results of poplar plants´ growing on the soil that is not typical for poplar nursery production - on eugley soil. The dia­meter and height increments were examined for five clones of black poplar: ´S1-3´ (P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh), ´B-17´ (P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh), ´S6-7 ´(P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh), ´260/81´(P. deltoides Bartr ex Marsh) and ´155/81´(P. × euramericana (Dode) Guinier). This soil type is characterized by the fact that the layer from the surface down to 60 cm depth, where the lar­gest mass of roots of seedlings is formed, contains the highest percentage of the total content of clay and silt, and the worst water-air conditions. The texture classes by the soil profile downwards were: silty loam, clay loam and loamy sand. In this type of soil, we observed low survival of cuttings of the examined black poplar clones that, at the end of the growing season, ranged from 63.7–69.4%. There was no significant difference in cutting survival among them. The least significant differences test at the level of risk of 5% divided examined clones in two groups by shoot height: clones ´S1-3´and´B-17´with a 194–197 cm and the clones´S6-7´,´260/81´and ´155/81´with a 157–168 cm shoot height. The mean diameters were uniform and varied in the range from 12.1 to 13.5 mm. Diameter and height growth of clones varied depending on clones, and the most of seedlings at the end of the growing season were classi­fied in 2nd(2,01 to 2,50 m) and 3rd(1,51 to 2,00 m) height class. Unsatisfactory cutting survival, height and diameter plants increments and lower dimensions of rooted cuttings at the end of the growing season could be primarily attribu­ted to the relatively bad water and air conditions of eugley soil.
Mamut, Marica UDK 630* 431
Ties Between the Geographical and Social Geographical Features of Dalmatia with the Endangerment of Forest Fires     pdf     HR     EN 37
Španjol, Ž., D. Barčić, R. Rosavec, B. Dorbić UDK 630* 907
Biological-Ecological and Spatial Valorisation of Protected Natural Values in northwest Croatian Counties     pdf     HR     EN 51
Sindičić, M., D. Zec, Đ. Huber UDK 630* 450
Analysis of Brown Bear Damages in Croatia in the Period from 2004 until 2009     pdf     HR     EN 63

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